Making Curriculum Pop

Here it is!! My final project for Teach, Think Play 2009!!

The project is called the Girls Media Literacy Resource Wiki and it is a place where parents and educators can find media education materials and organizations that will help them create lesson plans for teaching media literacy to girls. I included organizations and materials that I've had personal experience with and also organizations and materials that I found by scouring the Internet. I tried to include information for educators and parents all over the country, however, since I currently live in New York and lived in San Francisco for three years before that, most of the organizations I have listed are from those areas. So, the list of local media education organizations could definitely be improved. At the same time, one of the most difficult things about creating this wiki was that there was so much information out there on the Internet, it was hard to know when exclude something and when to include it. Especially with the Media Education Organizations page, there came a point where I just had to tell myself “OK, I'm not adding any more.” If I hadn't done this, I would've spent all my times listing organizations. What I tried to do instead was list a good representation of what is out there. Now I'll allow other people to add to it!

I hope parents and educators will find the wiki useful as a place they can come for ideas, inspiration, and help in their process of teaching media literacy!

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Thanks -- this is awesome.

And if folks are familiar w/ the Media Education Lab's "MyPop Studio" -- also focused on girls -- then please know that they'll be presenting at NCTE in November. Contact me if you'd like more info.



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