Making Curriculum Pop

Reflecting back on our class sessions I have gained new knowledge in implementing Differentiated Learning into the classroom. Teaching Second Grade I have the opportunity to address each learning style and tailor lessons suitable for those individuals. In the beginning of the year we take time to make the classroom our own community. We address responsibilities, procedures, and norms so that a safe and positive community is established.The lesson plan I have "tweaked" is Citizenship. In this lesson I have incorporated multiple types of activities to support Differentiated Instruction. I hope you find these useful in your own classroom.

Patricia Allison
Differentiated Learning Plan
Second Grade
Duration: One Week
June 28, 2010


Differentiated Lesson Plan for Citizenship
There are many different kinds of relationships within a community that help it function for both the individual and the group.

Umbrella Question
What are the relationships in a community?

What are the rights/responsibilities of members in a community?

Students will know and understand the concepts of rights and responsibilities.
Students will know and understand the concept of citizenship.

Rights are something that everyone should have or be able to do.
Responsibility is a duty or obligation that one does for them and others.
With every right, a citizen has a responsibility.
A citizen is a member of a community who shares the rights and responsibilities of that group.

Able to do:
Students will be able to identify and apply the rights and responsibilities of the individual in relation to his or her social group, such as family, peer group, classroom, and neighborhood.
Students will be able to apply the principles of citizenship within a democratic system.

NN (Non-negotiable are core activities that all students will do.)
N (Negotiable are activities that all students will do with some choice.)
O (Optional are activities that students may choose to do with a partner or by themselves.)

NN Within small group students will brainstorm list of rights and responsibilities for the classroom and record on chart paper. (Logical/Mathematical)
NN In groups of four students will design a puzzle mural demonstrating ways they have seen these qualities: Honesty, Persistence, Responsibility, Respect, and Problem Solving of good citizens in the classroom and school communities. (Interpersonal/Social)
NN Student will trace one handprint onto construction paper and write five ways that they are good citizens at school. (Visual/Spatial)
NN Create a journal of student’s citizenship throughout the year. This will be an ongoing activity. (Intrapersonal/Introspective)
NN Listen to Citizenship: Songs for Friends CD (Musical/Rhythm)
NN After to listening to the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today? on CD, students will illustrate a “bucket” page for a classroom book.
“When I __________, I am a bucket-filler. When I ___________, I am a bucket-dipper.” (Verbal/Linguistic)
NN Using Charades game students will role-play different scenarios (good and bad) of citizenship. (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

N Take a moment and reflect on a situation where you could have helped a friend show positive behavior. (Intrapersonal/Introspective)
N Construct a puzzle, matching a person (teacher, parent, police officer, etc.) with their action. (Logical/Mathematical)
N Read citizenship books that our located in our classroom library. (Verbal/Linguistic)

O Students will take pictures of students modeling good citizenship in the classroom or school, write captions under pictures and construct a class book. (Visual/Spatial)
O Design and construct a citizenship bracelet with a word that shows a way they demonstrate citizenship. (Bodily/ Kinesthetic)
O Interview a parent or caregiver and report orally how they have demonstrated good citizenship in their life. (Interpersonal/Social)



Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

I really like the smart board lesson. It is really cool! Great job with your lesson!
Great job! I really like the smart board connection.
Each of the multiple intelligences have adequate opportunity to shine in your lesson. It's exciting to see where good citizenship and democracy begins in our society.
I remember teaching this unit. You made it so much more interesting than just reading the text book. I will pass this on to our second grade teachers. Thanks!
Smartboard lesson is a nice technology touch. I hope you can get the guest speakers to help round out citizenship within the community. Great job.
This is an awesome unit! I really like the activities you have included. Can't wait to check out the smartboard lesson plan!



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