Making Curriculum Pop

School Administration


School Administration

I don't know if the 'Lean on Me' image of administration is the best to go with but the first pop administrators that came to mind were Morgan and Mr. Rooney (Ferris B's Day Off). Talk about stereotypes...

Members: 26
Latest Activity: Mar 31, 2019

Discussion Forum

CASE STUDY: Later School Start Time Pays Off For Teens

American teens are chronically sleep deprived, in part because of early school start times. But how much difference can a later start make? As Seattle's school district found out, it can help a lot.…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Mar 31, 2019.

RESEARCH: Having a diverse workplace is a worthy investment

Prof. Katherine Phillips of @Columbia_Biz researches diverse teams in workplaces. Hint: they lead to more profitability.…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Mar 26, 2019.

TOON: Your perfect SAT Score

Obviously, the testing scandal is deeply troubling but when faced with absurdity ...Today's daily cartoon by Ellis Rosen:…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Mar 13, 2019.

VIDEO: Schools strive to support the unique needs of military children

"At one point, my boys had been in 5 diff schools in a 2 1/2 yr period," says U.S. servicemember, adding, having a community & a school system understand that dynamic really allows those children…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Feb 17, 2019.

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Comment by Dr. Edie Weinthal on March 7, 2010 at 3:46pm
This is a wonderful group - thanks, Ryan for starting it! My "best" meetings are when my teachers (high school level) run their own best practice sessions and share with one another. The collaboration and cooperation are apparent when new things are tried in classrooms the very next day.
Comment by Shawn LaTorre on March 7, 2010 at 12:42pm
Thanks Ryan for pinning me down on this one because it is a hot topic with me. The teachers in our middle school have two planning periods. One "belongs" to us admin, so we utilize it to conduct professional development, meet with their TEAMS and meet again with their DEPARTMENTS. Then on the two days when we don't plan things to discuss with them, we still visit to discuss planning, data, and students in need of support. So, I guess what I am questioning is how much time folks believe good, professional teachers need to take care of the business of grading, creating, planning, responding, and updating their web blogs. Is one hour per day enough plus whatever take home time is needed? And in schools where two hours are allotted, is the best use of the second hour to be utilized each day by admin for whatever purposes we choose? Just wondering what other folks' thoughts are on this.
Comment by Ryan Goble on March 7, 2010 at 10:55am
Shawn - since everyone works at different schools, perhaps you could be more specific about your questions - where, what kind of meetings - is this how your seeing things at your school, via your union - etc. You know so we have a better sense of the scenario in your experience?
Comment by Shawn LaTorre on March 6, 2010 at 10:21pm
Great idea for admin to put their minds together on a site like this. I'd like to put into question the recent spate of meetings mandated to keep teachers busy and take away planning time. Can I hear your thoughts on this principals?
Comment by Ryan Goble on March 6, 2010 at 5:00pm
Barbara, my pleasure - we've really got to recruit more folks into the group so we can have more discussion but I think we're off to a solid start.

Did you, by chance read the New Yorker profile of Duncan? Interesting stuff.
Comment by Barbara A. Smith on March 5, 2010 at 8:02pm
Thanks for starting this! I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts and ideas. A hot topic here is Race To the Top.

Members (26)



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