63 members
High School level
by Ryan Goble
Feb 16, 2019
Many students experience some kind of #trauma in their lives, whether it's a health problem, divorce, violence in their neighborhood, or a combination of experiences. https://t.co/25XqghC1Ro #edchat #traumainformed #ACEs #PTSD — MindShift (@MindShiftKQED) February 12, 2019
Many students experience some kind of #trauma in their lives, whether it's a health problem, divorce, violence in their neighborhood, or a combination of experiences. https://t.co/25XqghC1Ro #edchat #traumainformed #ACEs #PTSD
Psychology • Sociology • Anthropology
63 members
High School level
TED-ED: What's Going On In the Brain Of A Child Who Has Experienced Trauma?
by Ryan Goble
Feb 16, 2019