63 members
High School level
by Ryan Goble
Mar 31, 2019
"The parent of an orchid child needs to walk this very fine line, between, on the one hand, not pushing them into circumstances that are really going to overwhelm them and make them greatly fearful." https://t.co/H4IPRlHWPY — Fresh Air (@nprfreshair) March 5, 2019
"The parent of an orchid child needs to walk this very fine line, between, on the one hand, not pushing them into circumstances that are really going to overwhelm them and make them greatly fearful." https://t.co/H4IPRlHWPY
Psychology • Sociology • Anthropology
63 members
High School level
RADIO: Is Your Child An Orchid Or A Dandelion? Unlocking The Science Of Sensitive Kids
by Ryan Goble
Mar 31, 2019