American Literature

For teachers of American Lit who want to MC Pop! FYI: it is a still from the film adaptation of the Secret Life of Bees - that film is extra pop because it features singer/actors Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson!

LOST ESSAY: Langston Hughes Examines Chain Gangs + MLK 2027

Stalin's government was active reaching out to disenfranchised African-Americans. Hughes was invited to Moscow on a cultural exchange. This essay came from that time period:

Interesting sub-story in the context of the recent MLK revelations. We will know a fuller story about MLK in 2027 when the National Archives make the recordings available, but, ugh, this is a tough story - read a bunch of takes on it... starting with the article from King's most famous biographer published in the UK (because American papers wouldn't touch it).

Biography on this source for context

We can hold off on final assessment on this until 2027.