For the students in READ 4232 @ Georgia Southern University!

Online Lit. Circle 2

You have all been assigned a role.  In your first response make sure
you state you role in the group along with your comment.  Have fun and
happy learning, Bailey, Whitney, and Elizabeth
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    crys lee farrow

    My role is the Connector. One connection that I found is between the overall message of the story "If everybody did nice things, What would happen is everyone would be happy" and the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" because if everyone did this then it would be a much better world. I also found a connection between this message and the Nickel back song "If everyone cared". There was also one page in the book about leaving a trail, which reminded me of the trail of bread crumbs left in the story "Hansel and Gretel".
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      Sherri Graham

      My role is the Summarizer:
      In this book, the story follows along giving examples of one person doing something and then showing an example of the same thing with "everyone" doing this. The examples were humorous and relevant to the age level that the book would be appropriate. The examples were of were common actions and arguments that children might want to do or say so this could be used by a parent or teacher to explain cause and effect. The book ended on a positive note.
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        Stevie Marshall

        Discussion Director!
        1. Before Reading- By looking at the cover and title, what do you think the book is going to be about?
        2. During Reading- Can you think of any, "what would happen if everyone did" that would add to the book?
        3. After Reading- what did you enjoy about this book?