This group is for Roosevelt University's Young Adult Literature Class to have open discuss ion about YALIT.
Svetlana Chmakova's "Nightschool" takes place in a school, but not just any school...a school for vampires, werewolves, and witches. During the day, it is a regular school with human children but at nighttime, the school gets transformed into a school for all kinds of mystical creatures. The story centers on a young witch name Alex who is homeschooled. (It is unclear why she is homeschooled although this is only Volume 1). She lives with her older sister Sarah who is the new night keeper for the "Nightschool." Throughout the story, they show vampire hunters, witches casting spells, and this dark force called "The Rippers." One night when Sarah is at work at the school, Alex leaves the house to go practice a spell. (Keep in mind that Sarah told her sister to stay inside while she is not home but of course she doesn't which tells us something ominous will come of this..) Alex sets out and stops by a graveyard to practice magic when she hears people. These "people" turn out to be vampires and vampire hunters having a quarrel. In the middle of this quarrel, these Rippers come and terrorize them. Some of the people end up getting killed and others just injured. Alex is in shock seeing all of this and runs home in a panic. This same night, Sarah is at the school and a young girl, who looks almost menacing, tells her there are spells going on in a forbidden hallway. Sarah follows the girl into this dark hallways and the girl points to this open door leading underground that looks like it goes into some kind of vortex. Sarah goes ahead of the girl and heads down the stairs. The girl slams the doors down and says, "It's done." I definitely got the chills after reading that! While Alex is at home, she notices a picture frame that used to be of her and her sister but her sister has now disappeared from the picture. Worried and confused, Alex calls the school to talk to her sister. When Alex calls the school and asks for Sarah, they say that there is nobody there by that name nor was there ever anyone named Sarah that worked there. Alex knows that she needs to get to that school but upon her arrival, everything is dark and empty. She knows that at this hour, the magic school should still be going on yet nobody is around. Alex is walking down the hall saying, "hello?" when all of a sudden, there is some kind of dark figure that says, "Well, well, well, who have we here?" With that, the book ends! This is a series of books with numerous volumes, so having an ending like that makes you want to get the next one!
YA Lit Criteria:
Nov 5, 2010
Meghann Lothson
Nov 6, 2010
Meghann Lothson
Nov 6, 2010