For the students in READ 4232 @ Georgia Southern University!

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  • Angie Reddish

    Nings is a great way to allow students to be aware of what was covered in class, even if they are not able to attend school for a day. Students and parents may check homework assignments.
  • Wonda Jenkins

    I would use nings and have students create their own. Then I could post comments to students. I could post homework assignments and also communicate with parents via ning. This would be a way for groups of students to communicate withi each other about group projects.
  • julianna

    I'm surprised you guys didn't place more of an emphasis on the community-building that Nings can bring in your posts (since so many of you mentioned this in your midterms). I think it's fine to use it for practical things like posting homework and checking reading, but I hope you won't lose sight of the more intangible benefits (like community-building)--otherwise, you've just replaced a paper-and-pencil use with a digital one without taking advantage of the additional opportunities these tools bring....