Alan Teasley


Durham, NC

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
Post-Secondary Teacher
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
English methods, media literacy, film in the classroom, world literature
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
Citizen Kane, the Goldberg Variations, MacBook (toy), any episode of Two and a Half Men or The Big Bang Theory

Comment Wall:

  • kris g

    Hi Alan-
    Thank you so much for the suggestions...I really like your concept of In self and out self. That is a great way to approach the project, and I will definitely add that element to the curriculum guide.

    I am currently in the middle of the workshop, and the students are making some interesting diptych and triptych identity paintings. I will try to post some when the workshop is finished.

    I can't believe you actually work with Wendy Ewald! I was a photo major during my undergrad, and she came to speak to our photo class about her work. I have followed her ever since. I even used a lot of her work on my Master's thesis, where I was looking at literacy and photography for high school photo curriculum. Needless to say, her work has been very influential on my practice.

    What is your area of interest in Education, btw?
  • keia Pannell

    Hi Alan,
    I teach English in North CArolina as well, Monroe to be exact. i have been teaching 10th graders for about 2 1/2 years and I still haven't gotten a handle on exactly what I want that curriculum to do- if that makes any sense. I would love to hear your ideas on how you have organized the curriculm and what works you teach or have taught in the past. Thanks so much I will share with you as well.
  • keia Pannell

    That would be great! thanks so much.
  • Ryan Goble

    Hey Alan - it was - as always - great seeing you at NCTE!! If you want to post your presentation materials in the literature / film groups I will be sure to highlight the materials in a "week in review" - you can do a short synopsis here and link out to Alan's site if you dig..

    Thank you much for the accidental plug at your session - that was very nice of you!

    Hope and Andy had a great Turkey Day!

  • Lindsay Lombardi

    Hey Alan,
    Ryan suggested I contact you..I'm looking for a documentary that is Pro-American Gov't Pro Iraq War.

    I'm trying to show students Two Perspectives I am showing From Freedom to Facism as a anti-gov't radical perspective. I need a counter perspective documentary.

    Any thoughts.

    Oh and I like your book, I just ordered myself a copy because I am very VERY pro film in the English classroom!
  • Alan Teasley

    I'll ask my colleagues on the FullFrame Doc Festival selection committee. I don't know if there is such a thing, but "Iraq in Fragments" is a terrific "on the ground" documentary with three distinct sections, one each from the POV of the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds. It's neither pro or con American involvement, but it does show the effect of the war on ordinary people. Sorry not to be more helpful.
  • Ryan Goble

    Happy B-Day Alan! Hope you have a great one!
  • Ryan Goble

    how do you say down 'south-ish' - molasses! Hope you had a great day!
  • Ryan Goble

    I'm guessing you caught this? NYTimes: Conducting Documentary Diplomacy