Ryan Goble


NYC / Aurora, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Teacher Coach, Author
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Everything but Math and Foreign Language - emphasis on the Humanities...
School, business or institutional affiliation
Teachers College Columbia University, Aurora University, Roosevelt University, DeVry University, Mindblue
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I know the urge to load up an iPod is almost insurmountable, but we're going to try and party on this desert island like it's 1999. I think later on, I'll make it five artifacts in each genre, but for today these are my 5 essentials:

MUSIC: Jeff Buckley, Grace - Stevie Wonder Songs In the Key of Life, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
FILM: The Royal Tenenbaums, Sweet & Lowdown, Clockers
BOOK: Another Country - James Baldwin

Comment Wall:

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  • camille napier bernstein

    My husband, sports fan and literary fan, just told me about this site run by Bill Simmons of ESPN that features Dave Eggers of McSweeneys.  Thought it might be something MC Poppers would like: http://www.grantland.com/.



  • Shanna Delaney

    Hi Ryan!

       Yes this website is awesome, I'm glad Kathie had us check it out. Thank you for the recommendation. I did join the group. Take Care!


  • Julie Sippola

    Hi Ryan!

    Thanks for your response.  I'm a newbie at this.  I have a lot of resources I'd love to share-I'm just not sure where.  I have compiled a list of over 500 websites for 5th grade Science teachers.  I have aligned them with the Ohio Content standards but they are also grouped by topic.  I have favorites that I use on the smartboard, to collect lesson plans and websites for students.  I have them on a Word document and would be willing to email them to anyone who's interested.  Thanks again.




  • Julie Sippola


    Are you sure you want me to paste it on the wall?  The document is 42 pages. I could edit it down.  Please forgive my stupidity, I'm new at this sharing stuff:)


  • Stacy Menifee

    Hey Ryan,

    Thanks for the warm welcome!  I look forward to exploring MC Pop more as I try to wrap my head around being a 6th grade teacher - thanks for the group suggestions.  I hope your surgery and recovery go well.

    Thanks again-


  • Meg Krause

    Hey Ryan,

    Thanks for including me - I joined the math group too.


  • Carol Rivera

    Saludos Ryan!

    Thanks for your suggestions to join other groups. I'm glad that I have found a group of teachers that share the same idea of what a class should be like. I'll be looking forward to share ideas with you.


  • Kathleen S. Ives, D.M.

    Thanks Ryan. Helpful suggestions!
  • Jay Dixon

    Thanks, Ryan! Looking forward to this!
  • Sandra Klan

    Thanks! Lots of delightful, rich stuff here.
  • Melissa Taylor

    hey, Ryan - thanks for the invite to join but I'm already a member already (although more of a watcher than a participant.) Love what you're doing here! 


    - Melissa @imaginationsoup

  • Aaron Shansky

    Thanks for the suggestions Ryan.  I'm enjoying getting to know the site.  


  • Fran Dulcich

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for the warm welcome!! I hope to become more involved as I explore the site!


  • Levin Tull

    I was going to post this, but wanted to ask first - is this ok?


    I am an SME for Physics for Twist Education, and we are developing applications to teach physics. Our first 4 apps are up on iTunes, and can be used to teach the seven SI units, the SI metric prefixes, the adding and scaling of vectors, and one-dimensional motion. We are hoping for teachers to try the apps in their class, and contact us with feedback - we are looking to develop potential research protocols with schools willing to test for learning efficacy.

    Ideally, these would be close to San Antonio, TX, where we are located.

    We would love you to take a look at the website and give feedback. Contact me here, or register for Twist and log in, explore the site, and leave comments.



    iTunes Lemonocity Link

  • Maeve Gavagan

    Thanks for the tips, Ryan! It was great being a part of the SPI Summer Institute at TC this year -- and I'm looking forward to checking out the site! Also, I sent it to a few co-workers!
  • Mindy Jencson

    Hi Ryan - thanks for the greeting. I have the pleasure of doing a variety of things in my job. One of them is helping keep area district teachers (K-12) up-to-date on cool sites and upcoming technology. I found out about this site from a distribution list I'm on for librarians. I'm looking forward to exploring this site and learning how it can be utilized.

  • Bliss Wright

    Thanks Ryan!  Just became a member! ;)
  • Shawn LaTorre

    Could you email me at your convenience please...I have a very important question to ask.
  • Sam Zhang

    Cool! Thanks Ryan. You made me feel like home. Now I believe I've made a right choice to join you guys in this group. May I have the link for the gaming group? I'm just so fond of making games!

  • Sam Zhang

    Awesome! Thank you sooooo much!!! Yeah, almost everyone loves games. 

  • Erin Yates

    Thanks, Ryan.  Saw your presentation at the NMSA conference in Louisville and really enjoyed it.  Looking forward to the book.  :)  

  • Kim Corbidge

    Thanks, can't wait until winter break so I can have more of a chance to get more involved!  The site looks great!!!!!

  • Joan Axthelm

    Thanks for the suggestion, Ryan.  I am so impressed to see that Yang made comics for Algebra! How awesome. That guy is amazing.

    Looking at your profile, I realized I am the "anti-you". I teach math and English as a second language and you teach everything but math and foreign language! (Am I revealing too much of my geeky self here?)

    Anyway, looking forward to participating in the ning.


  • Whitney LeBlanc

    Thanks so much for the suggestions, Ryan! Can't wait to check it all out! 

  • Todd Finley

    Thanks, Ryan. I'm excited to be here! 

  • Chee Ia Xiong

    Thank you Ryan!  I'll be sure to check it out! :)

  • Sharon Dishner

    Thanks, Ryan. I'm enjoying checking out the website.

  • Kristie Orlando Bangali

    Awesome, I'm liking them both!

  • Julie Dianne Dockery

    Ryan, I am looking for the resources on the CCC site, but cannot find them. Can you help me????

  • Julie Dianne Dockery

    Found it !

  • Cathy Kulupka

    Thank you so much for the recommendations! What a great website with wonderful collaboration!

  • Jay Hosler

    No, sir. I think I'm to verbose...

  • Dana Huff

  • Anna J. Small Roseboro

    Thanks.  My twitter handle (weird term) is #ajr1206.

    Glad you're feeling well enough to resume oversight of MCPOP!



  • Jessica A.

    Thanks Ryan!

  • Diane Boni

    Thank you for the warm welcome, Ryan, and for the additional links to resources! And thank you--in advance--for broadcasting my question in the upcoming week's broadcast of CS ?s. I'm looking forward to learning more from the community!


  • Christi


    Are you teaching a course through TIDE on Differentiated Instruction?  Will classes be held at Waubonsie High School and what are the dates?  The catalog dates are different than the email I got from my gifted resource teacher.  What is the policy if I cannot be there one day for the whole time (I have a prior committment for the afternoon but can be there in the morning).  Thanks in advance for the info! 


  • Diane Boni

    Thanks for the suggestions, Ryan, and for the crowdsource!

  • Kathy Calhoun

    I also thank you for the suggestions!  I am so glad to have found this site!

  • Kalyn Whitten

    Thanks, Ryan! I am a first year teacher and school is approaching quickly! I will definitely start looking at the groups when I am planning lessons! :)

  • Kalyn Whitten

    The teachers I know all say the first year is survival and to beg, borrow, and steal material to get through it :) Thanks for the link - looks like some great stuff!

  • Colleen McIntee

    Hi Ryan! Thanks for the info, as a future French and PE teacher, I'm looking forward to finding goodies from these forum as I start planning lessons! Go blue right back at you!

  • Leah Crowe

    Thanks! I am always looking for things to keep the classroom exciting:)

  • Thodoris Andriopoulos

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for your message. Your site is excellent, you are doing a great job!
    I hope you 'll like my book.
    Best Regards from Greece,


  • Kelly Marie Johnston

    Thank you Ryan!

  • Brian Tomlinson

    Thank you. I sure will.

  • Laura Wagner


    I am an English teacher. Thanks for the recommendations and the fantastic site!


  • Wendy McKenzie

    Hi Ryan

    this is Wendy , I am a teacher of History and Caribbean Studies.

  • Amy Jordan


    I hope you are doing well. Are you still a part of Ditrict 201 initiatives? There has been a lot of change in the short amount of time I have been here. Take care.

  • Stephanie Moore

    Thanks for the group recommendations Ryan! I joined the site in one of my 'scouring the internet for a certain resource' journeys and never got around to really exploring it. But I joined the group and will make a note to explore this place more soon :)