Patty Ball


Lawrence, MA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
Post-Secondary Teacher
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Adult Basic Ed - technology, teacher training
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
laptop/with Twitter & Google access, MP3 player, cell phone, digital camera, hopefully electricity

Comment Wall:

  • Ryan Goble

    Hi Patty, thanks for the tweet yesterday. So cool I shared - in the future feel free to share stuff like that here! RRG:)
  • Ryan Goble

    Yeah, its crazy, I've just switched to Seesmic 2 as it allows you to tweet to Nings, FB & Twitter but not to load up discussion forums with stuff :( Although, I think you can link your twitter to Ning - you just have to enable it in the settings in in the upper right hand corner!