Jasmine Tyler

46, Female

Woodsville, NH

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
English 12, Literally Film, Creative Writing, Feminine Voices
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I-pod, Pride and Prejudice, The Little Prince, Sound of Music, and laptop

Comment Wall:

  • Katherine Bolman, PhD

    Jasmine, I would love to assist you in terms of slide shows and integration of art history into World Literature in fact my web page starts with prehistoric art around the world.www.ahaafoundation.org
  • Katherine Bolman, PhD

    Jasmine, my home phone is 808 941-4242
    my email is kbolman@me.com

    Katherine Bolman
  • Katherine Bolman, PhD

    Jasmine, Please go to the site and click on Introduction to the philosophy of this course, where you will find my ideas about teaching and learning. I have slide shows done for the Prehistoric world, 5,000 BCE and Indus River Valley. This may be far to early in date for your focus, however contrasting "then and now" might be something you would find useful. I can send you a powerpoint by PDF. It has little text in the powerpoint because I talk about each slide. The text is in the micro lesson on the website.

    I think what we work on now can be used next year if not this year. This might give you a chance to choose different readings for your class.

    I know time is difficult to find and hope you can spare some for us to work together.

    Katherine Bolman