Ms. Jacobe Bell

40, Female

New York, NY

United States

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What is your connection to education?
Elementary Teacher, MS / Junior High School Teacher

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  • Nicole

    Hi Jacobe,
    Yes, I saw your post. It is great that you have so much freedom in your curriculum. I would be happy to give you some feedback on your lesson once we have finished grading all of the TTP projects.... :) Stay tuned. :)
  • Ryan Goble

    So glad you liked it - I'm actually trying to write up a more elaborate version of the activity for a magazine - be sure to bug me about it next fall. Also - FYI - Michelle is grading your project so she'll be in touch with you soon and she will also make sure the paperwork gets to the DOE!

    Stay Groovy!

  • Ryan Goble

    Jacobe, I hope things are going well in NYC. Saw it was your B-day and just wanted to take a hot minute to say happy b-day! I hope you're doing well!!
