Making Curriculum Pop


Econ, Gov & Biz

Is greed good? What role does government play in business? How does government work? If you teach these social sciences come here to discuss ways to make your curriculum "pop."

Members: 58
Latest Activity: Jul 15, 2019

Discussion Forum

HISTORY: Of the McDonald's Happy Meal

Started by Ryan Goble Jul 15, 2019.

BIG IDEA: Can AI Reduce Racial Bias in Courts?

Started by Ryan Goble Jun 29, 2019.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Econ, Gov & Biz to add comments!

Comment by Ryan Goble on January 30, 2011 at 10:12pm
Hi Sue!

this is a great question. Unfortunately, big questions on the comment wall are not easy for folks to respond to and get buried over time.

Would you consider moving this question above in the discussion forum - just above? When you post your ? above your "affinity group" peeps can give you feedback. Because forum ?s have URLs it will be in there for the next person with a similar ? AND I can broadcast the question to the whole Ning on crowdsource Tuesday.

Thanks to both of you for getting in the mix - as always - please share more cool ?'s and ideas!

Comment by Sue Portz on January 30, 2011 at 10:08pm



I'm trying this in my keyboarding class tomorrow!  Hoping it reinforces letter placement on the keyboard as well as gives them a chance to get up and have some fun! 

Comment by Sue Portz on January 30, 2011 at 8:38pm

Searching for keyboarding activities to spice up the "home row" lessons.  This site seemed more geared toward middle school (beginning keyboarding), but still had good ideas.

Comment by Johnathan Chase on October 20, 2010 at 10:31am
New this year, 12th grade US Government Class Wiki...
Comment by Ryan Goble on January 28, 2010 at 2:06pm
Wow, off the top of my dome that is a tough question - perhaps ask in the teaching with moving images group also - they know about these things :)

Here's a middle of the road option:


And now that I'm thinking of it - write a note to Alan Teasley on his page - Tell him I told you to bug hum. He works for a doc film fest in NC (and wrote this great book) and he has a MAD film knowledge.

Also write a note to John Golden - he wrote this book (Alan wrote the forward) and tell him I sent you as well.

Lots of Rockstars hangin' here at MC POP:)

Good Luck!
Comment by Lindsay Lombardi on January 28, 2010 at 1:57pm
I'm looking for a film that is Pro American government, Pro Iraq war preferably a documentary.

Any Ideas --I'm trying to show two perspectives. I already have a documentary that is radical and anti any government.


Comment by Ryan Goble on September 23, 2009 at 8:44am
You might be interested in reading about UNESCO's call for an international Media Literacy Curriculum in the Media Education Discussion Forum - there's also an interesting blurb there about a French proposal to put warning labels on photoshopped models in magazines. Both articles were forwarded to me via Media Literacy Clearinghouse guru and MC Popper Frank Baker.

Enjoy! RRG:)
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 2, 2009 at 4:32pm
Yeah, I'm back commenting again. A lot of you are probably already members of the "Making Shakespeare Pop!" group - if you dig the Bard and you're interested in his relation to popular and contemporary culture you might consider joining that group.

Today I did a pretty cool post with the front page of yesterday's Chicago Tribune. The headline was about our our brilliant and extremely literate ex-governor here in Illinois Rod Blagojevich. Not only does the man have cool hair, but he has a Shakespearian vision of himself.

In the post you'll find a bundle of Shakespeare allusions plus info on how to get jpegs of newspaper front pages.

Check it out, comment, join - at the very least this post will give you (esp. if you follow politics) a good laugh.

Full post here

Members (58)



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