Yancy - thank you for the gift! It is great to have you here - I do hope you find some cool stuff. You might check the lesson JUST posted by Jean M. She has to upload the full PDF but it might be a nice place for you to start joining the excellent math discussions!
At the top of the group there should be an little + sign similar to the one in the Middle School group (image below) that says "+Join Group X." Easy stuff.
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Great to have you here!!!
Do consider joining the math group and checking out their discussion forum.
FWIW - my fav math related Math resources: Gene Yang Rocks Algebra/Factoring in WebComics & PLAYLIST: Reading Reflections + Mathematical Expression Fun LEO© - K-College PDFs
At the top of the group there should be an little + sign similar to the one in the Middle School group (image below) that says "+Join Group X." Easy stuff.