This group is for journalism educators to share and collaborate with each other.
If you have not seen the Oscar Nominated film Spotlight - it is essential viewing and an excellent companion film to All The President's Men. Two additional reflections -
First an NPR interview on Fresh Air w/ Terry Gross with the reporters the film is based on...
Listen to the entire interview HERE.
Then, an interesting take on the film's illustration of the research process from Pacific Standard...
Read the full article HERE.
Shirley Durr
I was teaching high school Journalism for the first time when All the President's Men came out. (Now that ages me!) I took my students to see the film and it was one of the best experiences of my first teaching year. Of course, they learned the power and possibilities of journalism. (One of my students did become a journalist!) However, they also felt the power of the montage where one of the reporters (I can't remember which one) was researching through many sources and ended with nothing. They saw how investigative journalism has many futile dead ends and requires patient persistence. They also learned, in the end, that the public sometimes doesn't care about the truth in a story but that does not devalue the story (the work of the journalist). More powerful than my telling them.
I definitely plan to see Spotlight and encourage other teachers of any subject to do the same. So many lessons, so much potential for discovery!
Jan 14, 2016