If you have not seen the Oscar Nominated film Spotlight - it is essential viewing and an excellent companion film to All The President's Men. Two additional reflections - First an NPR…
Cells for saleBy Mike Gange The Immortal Life of Henrietta LacksBy Rebecca SklootBroadway Books, $18.00, 381 pages The stage play and movie of the early 1960s, A Raisin in the Sun, is the…
The first Editorial Cartoon contest from The New York Times’ Learning Network invites students to channel their thoughts into images, with inspiration from The Times’ cartoonists. Students’ challenge is in coming up with good ideas; artistic talent is secondary. Students should find an issue or…
The news editor for SLATE does a good job of explaining what "news literacy" is and how it's…
Nice lesson idea from the Middle Writer Blog - good for almost any discipline...Check the …
The Journalism Education Association’s Diversity Award honors a scholastic journalism teacher, student media adviser or scholastic journalism group demonstrating a commitment to cultural awareness and encouraging a multicultural approach with its student media staff, media production and/or…
The Newseum Digital Classroom is a free, cross-disciplinary classroom resource featuring interactive timelines,…
JEA Advisers Institute 2014Journalism Education AssociationMonday, July 7, 2014 at 1:00 PM - Thursday, July 10, 2014 at 12:00 PM (PDT)Las Vegas, NV-0-I am looking forward to going. Here…
Posting for Dan GIlmor: Some former students (including one who's a high school teacher) and I have done a lesson plan based on my Mediactive book. To use it you create a WordPress.com account and then import a file we've created.…
This group is for journalism educators to share and collaborate with each other.