Ryan Goble


NYC / Aurora, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Teacher Coach, Author
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Everything but Math and Foreign Language - emphasis on the Humanities...
School, business or institutional affiliation
Teachers College Columbia University, Aurora University, Roosevelt University, DeVry University, Mindblue
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I know the urge to load up an iPod is almost insurmountable, but we're going to try and party on this desert island like it's 1999. I think later on, I'll make it five artifacts in each genre, but for today these are my 5 essentials:

MUSIC: Jeff Buckley, Grace - Stevie Wonder Songs In the Key of Life, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
FILM: The Royal Tenenbaums, Sweet & Lowdown, Clockers
BOOK: Another Country - James Baldwin

Comment Wall:

  • katie monnin

    this is a GREAT site! thank you SO much! katie
  • Nicole

    yes. I am a dude. Didn't you know? I thought that is why you love me.
  • Jen Powers

    As I said Ryan, U RULE! Thanks SO much for such a groovy site. And yes, I will definitely check out the stuff on graphic novels.
  • Nicole

    Well 'hi' friend. You are lucky to have me on your friend list. You don't need to pay the full cost, but there is a co-pay. You will receive a bill for my time/ friendship soon. Please respond promptly.

    (xoxo- friend)
  • Suzanne Choo

    Hey Ryan, this site is so totally cool. I'm a facebook person and haven't explored Ning yet so am looking forward to it. Your name came up quite a few times in class yesterday so looks like you're becoming a celebrity!
  • Tim Albert

    What can I say? I teach Sociology and Philosophy...
  • kris g

    Hey, is there any way on our pages to write about our ed information, ie, interests, etc? You should develop that!
  • Frank W. Baker

    OK, thanks for this. Do you now about archive.org? You can enter an out of date URL, search, and it will retrieve the source. Let me know if this works for you. FB

    Hi Ryan -

    I wanted to thank you for your comment last week to my blog post- I put together a (WIP) collection of Maus resources at http://tinyurl.com/Maus4U

  • Marc

    you betcha, the one and only. Gerger told me about this and i thought it was definitely worth a look. Hows it hangin by you?
  • Anne

    I feel like I've been under a rock for the past 3 weeks...sorry, I'm just climbing out of my hibernation from technology but will check out the 5th grade PDF hopefuls! Thanks for the heads up...
  • Kelly Farrow

    Ryan, have I mentioned lately that your hard work is so much appreciated?? You rock out.
  • Kelly Farrow

    Thanks for your message!! I will check those resources out ASAP. I have a few I want to share w/ the people on this NING. Is there anything special I have to do to start a thread?
  • Kelly Farrow

    DUDE!!!!! They've made THREE of these?!?! Unbelievable. OK, now I want to see them. The Amazon review sold me! Netflix, here I come. ;)

    So, what should I do to start a new thread in the Ning? I really do have some god stuff.
  • Kelly Farrow

    OK, I posted in the "uncategorized" area! I think my comment may have fit better elsewhere, but I went w/ that area for now. I'll have more as time goes on.

    No, I hadn't gotten the Mini Marvels memo yet!! Those look AWESOME! I'ma order them for my little dudes for sure. :) My graphic novels order (which for me, like my other orders, is an ongoing thing I add to all year) is up over $800 now! ;)
  • Erika Jane

    I checked out the "Women Help to Create the Kind of Men they Despise". Very interesting song! It presents an idea that transcends what we could analyze in our intro class... (which seems to be a frustrating if not fantastic developing theme). Thanks for sharing.
  • Johnathan Chase

    Hey Ryan, best place for your friend to start is my Classroom 2.0 Profile. I have posted several music videos there that do relate to health and character education. Below each video is a brief lesson explanation/description along with a link to the activity and numerous examples of student works. Here's direct links to a few of the videos...

    "How To Save A Life"

    "Bullet And A Target"

    "Every Day"

    "Standing Outside the Fire"
  • Celina A. Bartley

    Hey Ryan,

    I am actually not teaching yet just getting my Master's in Education. My Professor told me about this site and it looks great. Thanks for the tip!!!!!!!

  • Jeana Rock

    Thanks for the Cookie Monster clip! My students will love it!
    I am unashamedly pushing cupcakes. Why not?
  • Jen Powers

    Yeah, well, what do you expect??? Actually, if I had more time, look OUT. BTW, in case I haven't said it lately, this is THE most awesome ning. Thanks so much for your efforts on this! The resources and pieces you've written are AWESOME.
    :) jen
  • Wisdom

    Hey, Ryan,
    Where did your entry on Gender and Sexuality go--the one that was on the main page the other day with "Girls, Girls, Girls" embedded?
  • Allison Branch

    thanks for the wiki link for graphic novels!
  • Callie Sharkey

    I was going to post the BM clip at the end of my blog but was afraid ya'll would get offended. Glad you liked it!
  • Ms. Jacobe Bell

    Is the visual poetry stuff you were telling me about on the Ning? Thanks!
  • Ms. Jacobe Bell

    I tried the connect the dot activity and my students loved it! Thanks!
  • Sandy Greene

    I'm trying to do some work with graphic novels and comics and thought I would try my own hand at it a bit - not too Stan Lee but it has it's own style!
  • Karl Boyno

    It's basically a speaker attached to a microchip with a number of loops of Buddhist chants on it. It allows you to chant in a communal fashion even when you are by yourself. They got popular a few years back in the "avant-garde" music circuit . . . but they are basically just a high-tech prayer wheel.
  • Elizabeth Davis

    Do you have any place on your NING that you put curriculum resources that you could use through all subject areas. An example could be the annotation resource that you developed this year??
  • mel tremper

    hmm ryan says I inspired him to start the group, but for the life of me I can't recall how I may have done that.
  • mel tremper

    ah. If only all things were so effortless on my part.
  • Eric Goodman

    Hey Ryan,
    Thanks for sending the link - looks like a valuable community you've got going here, and I look forward to participating. Will post some videos and music soon. We're performing Thus Spoke The Spectacle live this Friday, the 17th, at Bluestockings Books if you're interested. Maybe I'll post it as an event.

  • Amy Aurelio

    That awesome. I'll bet those were incredible shows. I so regret not seeing him at the Metro when he was here. I had the good fortune to talk to Mary Guibert after a tribute event at Uncommon Ground in Chicago in 2000.

    You're kidding... No, I had no idea, but I'll definitely check that link out. Thanks.
  • Sydney Eagleton

    Thanks for the advice! I'm still getting used to the best way to navigate around so I appreciate it!
  • Denee Tyler

    Ryan, if you will delete the one that uses mrstylerenglish as the sign in, that would be wonderful.
  • Donna E. Alvermann

    Ryan, I'm going under with work and deadlines this summer. Hopefully, I'll be able to be more attentive to this ning in the fall.
  • Nick Sousanis

    yeah - i didn't mean to. it made me sign in, and i tried to sign in through nsousanis@gmail.com. Can you delete that one? Sorry for the trouble. Also, i've seen some of the threads, just haven't come up with great responses yet....
  • Donna E. Alvermann

    Ah, thanks! I knew you weren't but my guilty conscience...
    Sure, friends are great!
  • Suzanne Choo

    Hey Ryan, Great talking to you and Nicole yesterday. You're very entertaining as usual. anyway here's the hyperlink I was talking about - http://inlovewithwords.com/hypertext/
    It's a simple hypertext story I used to introduce something that most Americans would remember about Singapore. You should balance it by reading the attached article though.
    fay.pdfKeep in touch!
  • Suzanne Choo

    Hey Ryan, just remembered one other thing. The Japanese movie I was talking about is called Battle Royale. You can watch the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-T7yPJVvXw
  • Suzanne Choo

    There's another interesting book I'm reading now about Dave Levin and Mike Feinberg, the people who started Kipp - "Work hard, be nice: How two inspiring teachers created the most promising schools in America" by Jay Mathews. Picked it up at the TC bookstore. I don't know about how they select kids for KIPP but there's something about their strategies for school re-structuring and classroom management that I'm still debating about.
  • Gena R. Greher

    Hi Ryan,
    I have been following your emails and I'm swamped at the moment trying to get out from under being interim dept chair. Once I am back from a much needed vacation, I will join a group. I think this is a great site and can't wait to share it with my music ed students.
    Oh and good luck...we've been living in temporary digs for a few months and our things are in a warehouse in Jersey as well.;)
  • Gena R. Greher

    I'm at a College and I know Ave Q music really well...my theme song this semester was It Sucks to Be Me;)
  • Marc

    Goble! I'm probably a little behind on the news front, but do I understand that you're coming back to Chicago? If thats the case, forget Chicago and make the 4 hour ride over to Iowa City. They need some major help in the Rhetoric department. Hope all is well!
  • Diane McFarlin

    HI Ryan,
    Jane Wisdom shared this amazing site! I am the assistant principal at Kaneland High School in charge of Curriculum....and boy....am I impressed at what you have put together! I worked one year with Nicole at East and I believe I met you at Jane's right before your wedding. I understand you guys are back in this area. Do you visit schools? Are you officially consulting? My head is swimming with ideas for our teachers. Again....excellent.
  • Phil Stoecker

    Ryan, thanks. Yeah I did the same thing as last time and it worked this time. Oh well, I'm on. Have a good weekend