Ryan Goble


NYC / Aurora, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Teacher Coach, Author
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Everything but Math and Foreign Language - emphasis on the Humanities...
School, business or institutional affiliation
Teachers College Columbia University, Aurora University, Roosevelt University, DeVry University, Mindblue
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I know the urge to load up an iPod is almost insurmountable, but we're going to try and party on this desert island like it's 1999. I think later on, I'll make it five artifacts in each genre, but for today these are my 5 essentials:

MUSIC: Jeff Buckley, Grace - Stevie Wonder Songs In the Key of Life, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
FILM: The Royal Tenenbaums, Sweet & Lowdown, Clockers
BOOK: Another Country - James Baldwin

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  • Peter Appelbaum

    Hi Ryan, Thanks for the suggestion, I'll join the math teacher group here ... haven't had much time to really learn about what's available and happening here, but looking forward to it!
  • Phil Stoecker

    They will don't worry...
  • Daniel Hollander

    Aye, thanks for the push. I've been meaning to take a deeper look around here. I'll see if I can contribute something soon. I may actually be able to finagle an actual academic I work with to contribute too.
  • Julianna Cucci

    Hello Ryan,

    I am a friend of Jane Wisdom. She said that I might ask you if the CD she has from you has any hero stuff? I will browse the site more as well. Thanks.
  • Julianna Cucci

    Thanks, I'm going to go exploring later. Specifically, I'm doing a unit on the hero's journey. We're not reading Homer, but we have read some myths and looked at historical figures. We watched Star Wars and mapped out Joseph Campbell. They are reading independent reading books. None of them chose graphic novels for that, which sort of surprised me. But, they are mainly interested in the gang life/ surviving getting out, etc. In the end, they are going to develop a hero's journey tale to "pitch" to be a film and write reflections of how they are on their own journeys. I haven't gotten to look at your links yet, but I have a feeling that there will be stuff there already. Thanks so much.
  • Nicole

    hey here is doc 1- intro to UBDubdintro.pdf
  • Dan Meyer

    Thanks for introducing me to the community, Ryan. Looking forward to looking around.
  • Marc

    Goble I must say that I was watching the Michigan and Indiana game this weekend and that your quarter back did look quite impressive. It is going to be fun when the Hawks play them under the lights here at Kinnick in two weeks. Should be interesting! Also, I wanted to say happy Yom Kippur to you since last time I checked, you were still an honorary Jew.
  • Matt Madden

    Cool, I'll check those two groups out, thanks.
  • Marc

    Goble speaking of health... I would like to share some wonderful news with you. As of Monday, my donor was approved and I am now 100% good to go to receive a kidney transplant! It's been a long and difficult process but it is finally going to happen. We are looking at December 17th. So happy birthday, happy hanukkah and merry Christmas to me. Let me know when you make it here.
  • Debbie Abilock

    Hi Ryan,
    Thanks for the CA tip! Deadline for manuscript for Film is December 10 - hoping you're going to submit because I love your writing style and energy, as well as your ideas!

  • Jessica Marie Egan

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Giannina Ferraro

    I don't think I can! Whether it's the UK version or the US version, I'm obsessed! :)

    P.S., This place is amazing! I'm also a part of English Companion Ning; between the two of these groups, I'm in pre-service heaven!
  • Giannina Ferraro

    Yeah, I can tell your site is very modern and interesting. I've already forwarded the "Graphic Novels & Comics" group to a classmate. It was actually our teacher who showed us this site, and seeing from my classmate Jessica Egan, I'm sure many more of us will be joining soon!

    As for Bobby, there's no hope. I've let that idea go a long time ago...
  • Ashley Cornelison

    I have a little bit of a problem. I have not yet heard from the teacher I sent an email to about an interview. This means that I do not know if I will have a completed interview on Tuesday. Do you have any suggestions about what I should do?
  • Ashley Cornelison

    Ok, I will start on that. Thanks!!
  • Kathie Maniaci

    Awesome...LOVE it! Thanks for the tip....
  • Debbie Abilock

    I'm writing a chapter which mentions this Ning and, in particular, your great job facilitating. Happy to quote you if you'd like to pass along your insights about keeping a Ning buzzing...?
  • Debbie Abilock

    She is amazing - great fun to hear about what she's doing!
  • Marc

  • Ashleigh Doinidis

    Thanks Ryan! We've heard wonderful things about you in the MAC program! And luckily I'm a great candidate to teach STEM, although I don't have experience with it. I'm a former engineer now majoring (and pre-student teaching) in both Math and Physics. woop woop!

    I'm a little slow with this ning thing since I just started but I can't wait to give it a better look around!
  • Dianna Morton

    Hi Ryan-- Thanks for this great site-- but-- who put my "photo" up there? Is that to encourage my own profile posting update with a photo?
  • Melinda J. Hall

    Thanks so much for your suggestions of discussions here to read. I just had a chance to visit the discussions and read various posts; I have been "lost" in them for the past hour. Boy, will my boss be mad. ;-) You do amazing work -- thank you for sharing!
  • Seth Federman

    I wish! lol I have to try one more time to get it up to 1000.

    Thanks for the comment! I love this site!
  • Nicole

    you're spooktacular!
  • Alan

    Thanks, Ryan. I always have fun with my bday. Nov. 2 Day of the Dead and my last name matan. Little scary, eh?
  • Chuck Williams

    Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate the info and for making this site what it is. Now that I'm finished taking Grad classes (for a while), it is nice to stay up to date on research and cool ideas.

    By the way, are you here in beautiful Illinois? I thought I remember you looking for a house in North Aurora. If so, I'm super close to you in Aurora near the university.
  • Ashley Cornelison

    Thanks for the document on Johnny Got His Gun. It looks useful at first glance but I will have to take closer look a little later! Thanks again!!

    Also, thanks for the birthday wishes!!!!
  • Courtney Brown

    Thanks Ryan! hope all is well in Chicago!! MCP ideas/materials are fantastic!
    BK misses you, but all is well here! Although it was a little tough turning 25 (haha...)
    Hi to Nicole! -Courtney
  • Katherine Schulten

    Hi Ryan...and thank you for the birthday wishes. While I have you, I wanted to tell you I've been reading your stuff with interest and, as the editor of a teaching and learning blog for the New York Times (learning.blogs.nytimes.com), I think we should talk one of these days about some kind of partnership or...or...something.

  • Anne Gaspers

    Hey Ryan-- I'm not a member of the Elem Ed group...but I read the article about Frank Lloyd Wright...it says "no word yet on when Falling Water would be released" I know the article was written in May...but I saw it at the Met store this weekend for the low price of $100. It is seriously cool though!
  • James Bucky Carter

    Great to meet you too! Though, I worry about where that third thumb might go! Lol! I'll be sure to keep everyone informed of my major goings-on. Usually I do that from my blog, http://www.ensaneworld.blogspot.com
  • Becky Banc

    Hi Ryan....I don't know what Wisdom told you...but it's not 100% official yet because I might have to meet with my grad school advisor at Loyola that day, but I'm still waiting to hear back from her whether or not we're still meeting. I'll keep you posted since I would love to come!!! All Wisdom does is rave about you and Nicole!
  • Becky Banc

    I will try my absolute hardest to be there :)
  • Bill Zimmerman

    Hi, Ryan,
    Thank you so much for alerting me about the webinar on MakeBeliefsComix.com. We are very excited about this and deeply gratified. lt means so much to us when others share our comic-making site with colleagues.
    Again, I appreciate your contacting me -- I am finishing work on some new books and have kind of gotten out of the loop for a while. I hope you are well and your wonderful site is flourishing.
    Bill Zimmerman
  • Ryan Goble

    Bill - first off, I hope your book is awesome - when you publish it let me know and I'll do some broadcasting about it
    (of course you can always mail me a copy (wink, wink) ;) - but seriously, on Monday I started featuring MC POP authors - maybe you caught that broadcast (of interest to you - Katie Monnin just published Teaching Graphic Novels on Maupin House press!)? Thank you for the thanks but do consider dropping a quick note to Dr. Stanzler & Liz Kolb as their students are the ones producing the webinar - I'm sure they would LOVE to hear from / connect with you and share the student webinar.

    Good Luck with the writing and best to you and your family this holiday season!

  • Dana Huff

    Thanks, Ryan. After I get these last assignments graded. I hate the end of the semester. I am wondering right now why I collected notebooks...
  • chowsir

    Thanks for the welcome and suggested groups I could join. I hope to keep up!
  • Shawn LaTorre

    Thanks Ryan. It's a gorgeous day here in Austin, Texas. I bought myself a new pair of glasses so I can see now! Hey, I have been thinking about starting a NING on BOOK PROJECTS....do you think it would be redundant and should be part of the English NING? I am new to this, so I don't know a whole lot about how this works...YET! Any thoughts on that?
  • Luke Rodesiler

    Thanks for sharing, Ryan. I just saw your post, but I'll be sure to take a closer look.
  • Kelly Knudsen

    Chalkfest here in Wausau. Don't know who did it. I believe it is a Wookiefoot pic/album cover. Not sure.
  • Andy Kenen

    Hi Ryan - I would have answered earlier, but blogs are blocked at school. Joe retired two years ago. The Rock Hall may have a current email. I'll check next time I'm there. Keep up the great work. Andy
  • Michelle Hapich

    Hey - Thanks Ryan! I just joined.
  • Marc

    GOBLE!!!!! Sorry I haven't shaken your tree for soo long. First off, i must brag about my Hawkeyes and our orange bowl victory. now that is out of my system....more importantly....I got my kidney last Thursday and I am recovering quite well. the kidney loves my body and I love it. Infact, the first 24 hours it was in it pumped out 8 liters of the stinky yellow stuff. Keep sending your good vibes my way. Peace.
  • John Golden

    Yup. I'm an idiot. Thanks for the heads-up. Fantastic piece in JML! I read it over lunch and already called up a colleague and made plans for next week to try out your CTM model in a 9th grade class that is wrapping up a unit on audience and advertisements. Thanks for the idea. I'll be sure to let you know if it bombs.
  • Cory Heyob

    Hey Ryan!
    So what the heck, you changed the books for this semester huh? First you make us suffer through those AWFUL books...and then screw us over so we can't sell them to the next group of lucky people who have you huh? Ridiculous!! haha jk =] But I hope everything is going well this semester, and do you think your wife would let me come observe her class for a few hours one day? I have to observe "exceptional" students for a different class.

  • Jennifer Lee

    Hi Ryan and Happy New Year! Doing well - thank you for the B-day wishes!

    You'll be happy to hear I've been working media into some educational outreach proposals at the opera company I've been interning with. The ideas have been receiving some positive responses. Will keep you posted!
  • Tegan Madson Dion

    Hi Ryan,
    Thanks for the welcome! Lovin' the MC Pop updates. Also, I LOVE "Toe Jam"!
  • Sheri Ebert

    OH! I got it know, Thanks.
  • Daniel Sharkovitz


    While I haven't posted a lot here, I am enjoying the site. Thank you.
