Ryan Goble


NYC / Aurora, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Teacher Coach, Author
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Everything but Math and Foreign Language - emphasis on the Humanities...
School, business or institutional affiliation
Teachers College Columbia University, Aurora University, Roosevelt University, DeVry University, Mindblue
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
I know the urge to load up an iPod is almost insurmountable, but we're going to try and party on this desert island like it's 1999. I think later on, I'll make it five artifacts in each genre, but for today these are my 5 essentials:

MUSIC: Jeff Buckley, Grace - Stevie Wonder Songs In the Key of Life, John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
FILM: The Royal Tenenbaums, Sweet & Lowdown, Clockers
BOOK: Another Country - James Baldwin

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  • Liz Rohan

    Hi Ryan--Thanks for the warm welcome. Still trying to figure out how to navigate this site. My goal is to introduce my students, many who will be English and language arts teachers, to as many genres as possible as readers and writers. So this site will be helpful!
  • Margaret Carhart

    Hi, Ryan. Today I used your CTM activity as a whole novel discussion tool about Invisible Man. The students loved it! In small groups they brainstormed in different categories: characters, motifs, symbols, settings, great lines, ideas/concepts... Each category had a different color post-it note, each post-it had a separate item. Round 1: put down a post-it anywhere. Read everyone's note. Round 2: put down a new post-it and connect it to an existing one with a line and explanation of the connection. Once they got going, they didn't want to stop--somewhat magical! We'll continue tomorrow.
    In a school where the technology is often broken or non-existent, this non-wired activity made the curriculum pop! Thanks!
  • Jackie Gerstein

    Thanks Ryan for noticing my profile pic. It is me! It has symbolism on a lot of levels.
  • Jesse McLean

    Awesome, Ryan. Thanks again for this wonderful site and your help! Really looking forward to becomig addicted to this ning :)
    - Jesse McLean
  • Shelly Frew

    Ryan, thanks for the wonderful welcome! I will take your advice on to join the Media & Technology group. Looking forward to finding lots of information!
  • Blanca E. Duarte

    Howdy Ryan! Thank you for your welcome! Yes, the Math group looks very interesting! I'll be sharing this NING with my teachers - we are looking at different ways to make Curriculum POP and this is certainly the most "fun" looking NING I've seen to date. I think they'll really like it! :) Thanks!
  • Chiranjeet Bhattacharyya

    Hi Ryan! thanks a lot for the welcome. I am sure that i will be having an enjoyable time in this ning...I will be spreading this network among my colleagues for sure..

  • Alexandra West

    Thanks for the links! Much appreciated. Have a good weekend/week.
  • the grey area

    Congrats on 2000 members. I went to mindblue.com and it made me so happy! I will be using those resources in my lessons for next school year...
  • Dana Huff

    Are you on Twitter?
  • Dana Huff

    I will totally post my stuff. I just need to get around to it. I'm working on an IT master's right now, and my entire spring break has been sucked up by catching up on grad school, so it's a matter of available time.
  • Amy

    Ryan - Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Your site is amazing and so glad I came across it. I look forward to looking around and getting to know your site more and begin sharing it with my department.
  • Luke Rodesiler

    Thanks, Ryan. After the invitation to share a piece, I was glad to contribute. I didn't even realize it was out yet.

    As for Sparty, yeah, that's a tough way to go out. Of course, with Izzo, there's always next year!
  • Michael Low

    Thanks for the warm welcome - I was steered here by Jeff Stanzler, who mentioned you were another product of the MAC program. He steered me here after a conversation about a current project; looking forward to exploring!

    Thanks again!
  • Sarah Lavery

    Thanks so much... and thank you for organizing the workshop today. I got tons of awesome feedback particularly relating to my rubric that was awesome.
  • Sarah Lavery

    No Problem! Also, I emailed Kim thanking her from our class.
  • Susan

    Thank you so much for that link. It is really powerful. Showing it would be best, but I think I will run it by my principal first. I am not sure just talking about it will make the kids truely understand. Thx!
  • Susan

    I thought you would like this "Television is a drug" video. It is toward the bottom.
  • ingrid pruss

    Hi Ryan,
    Could you please send me a link to the program you once spoke about on one of the groups (I cannot recall which one) whereby I can use a still work of art and students can respond by writing on it, recording their voice, or linking to other websites? I can't recall the name of the website at all, and I wanted to give it a try in class. Thanks so much for your help.


  • Molly Lingenfelter

    Thank you for the welcome! I plan to do more exploring after I wrap up this semester.
  • Terry Dubow

    Thanks Ryan - glad to be here -- I teach Media Lit to seniors and 7th graders at an all girls' school in Shaker Heights. Have done so for 10 years. Will be good to get some new ideas and hear what others are doing.
  • Angelia Ross

    Ryan, I am very excitied to learn and collaborate with you and the group as a whole. I will check out the administrators page as well however, thinking I should be in the "know" on both sides. Looking forward to many discussions!
  • Karen Finter

    Thanks Ryan! I joined some of the other groups - and am starting to get the hang of the environment! What a tremendous site! I am working to put together a sustained PD for my teachers (experienced educators, but perhaps not so tech saavy) as a year-long exploration....

    I also teach pre-service teachers at Nazareth college in Rochester- and many of them were very skilled in referencing popular culture in their instruction - this will be a way for them to share- but also to learn! Thanks -K
  • Angela Madden

    Awesome! Thanks for the welcome. I will definitely check out some of the other groups.
  • Mr. B

    Thanks Ryan. Will do. Great site. Happy to be here.
  • Harry Smith

    Looks like the mindblue site is down. Any word on when it might be up again?
  • Peggy McCall

    Thanks Ryan! What a neat place! A place for teacher's to shine!
  • Johan Cornelissen

    Thanks Ryan!

    I'll check it out when I come back - flying out for 4 weeks of holiday!
  • Rosetta Buick

    Thanks for the recommendations Ryan!! This is such an awesome site!! Thx!!
  • Stephanie Balascio

    Thanks Ryan! I'm looking forward to exploring the site once the end of year tizzy has settled.
  • Terri Grams

    Thanks Ryan! I had looked into his pictures. These and I have access to bunches of National Geographic pictures too. Between the two I should have plenty to choose from. Thanks for your suggestion. You are a wealth of knowledge. I have found everything you've taught us to be EXTREMELY useful! I don't know how you do it all. You have my highest admiration!!! :)
  • Kiran Kumar K

    Thanks Ryan. Hope this will help me a great deal.
  • Yancy Byrne

    Thanks, Ryan. I am in year 12 of teaching middle school math. This will be my best year yet:) I am excited about being part of this ning thing:)

    Have a great day!
  • Daniel Beylerian

    Thank you for the links. Been teaching HS for 21 years. Beginning new adventure in Literacy focussed school for LD students this September.
  • Deven Black

    Thanks Ryan. I joined the special education group this morning and I will check out the social studies groups right now.
  • Guillermo Bautista

    Thanks Ryan. I am really new to this stuff. Can you believe it, I replied to your email. Haha... anyway, it's nice to be here.
  • Carol Malthaner

    Thanks. I already joined the Graphic Novels group, but I will check out your suggestions as well.
  • Fran Bullington

    Thanks, Ryan. I've joined both and look forward to the conversations.
  • dale leyden

    Thanks! I'll take a look.
  • Shane Jensen

    Thank you for the suggestions. I will probably join those groups, as well as many others as I find those that are most helpful to me and that I can contribute to.
  • Kelley Cusmano

    thanks for the suggestions and congrats on your baby girl!!
  • Phyllis Ain

    I am really bad at all of this -- no experience. I am a reading specialist working with upper elementary kids who are really into graphica -- comics and everything that comes with this. The problem with a lot of graphic novels is they are hard to follow -- need to pay really close attention to both visuals and words to comprehend.
    I look forward to exploring and sharing ideas with both groups. Interested in appreciating as well as using the site.
  • Phyllis Ain

    I looked at your photos and they are amazing. I love the movement . thanks for sharing
  • William Bangs

    thanks for the suggestions ryan. i will definitely check those groups out. thanks! - will
  • PJ

    Thanks for the tip, Ryan--and the welcome. Great ning. :)
  • Susan Rio Carson

    Thanks, Ryan.
    I am looking forward to investigating the site and learning a lot about technology and adding it to my curriculum!
  • Jan Foughner

    This is a great resource and one I look forward to using and with whom I would like to share. Thank you for great suggestions!
  • Scott Earl

    Thanks, Ryan. I look forward to learning from the groups and contributing.
  • Kathleen Cumberland

    Thanks, Ryan. I am so excited about the information you shared with mind connections! I can't wait for school to start. I am looking forward to reading the other three PDF files you referenced. The visual of that one classroom was really helpful, too. I loved your staff development questions as well. Great job!
  • Pamela Foster

    Hi Ryan!
    I appreciate the guide toward where you thought I might find a niche, but I am a Special Educator (Intervention Specialist K-12) and have a concentration in Transition. I am quite sure there is material that will be helpful since my students have always been all over the map, so to speak.
    I was downsized (not personally, although I would like to lose about 50 lbs) one week ago exactly, so I have been a bit stretched looking for another position,