Brenda DeRamus-Coleman


Opelika, AL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your connection to education?
High School Teacher, Administrator, Afterschool Educator
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
English/Spanish/School Administration

Comment Wall:

  • Ryan Goble

    Brenda, great to see you came by!

    Since you do the English thing you might consider joining some of the ELA groups to stay up on resources and discussion.
    Popular Music
    Teach with the Moving Image
    World Literature
    American Literature
    British Lit (sans Shakespeare)
    Making Shakespeare Pop
    Poets and Writers
    Adolescent Literature

    If you haven't had a chance to check out the new welcome information do read this if you get a hot minute!

    Good Vibes,

  • Ryan Goble

    Hi Brenda, woza - that is a really retro welcome below :)  So glad to have you here and THRILLED that you're able to pass some of the resources on.  I assume all this work is the classic tree that falls in a forest and no one hears it.  It makes me smile big time to hear that the work is useful.  Also excellent to see you're friends with Lisa. I dunno if she told you but we had a chance to meet on a Toyota funded trip to Japan - she's a super kind and bright woman, eh?


    Anyway, I hope things are groovy in AL and look forward to connecting with you in the future!