Making Curriculum Pop

I think this article says volumes about the Alcohol industry... As I read the first paragraph I said to myself, "this sounds like a carefully constructed sound bite to bring "doubt" to the conversation, I bet that person was paid by the Alcohol industry." Keep reading. Last year Memefilms did a number of video projects with VT and NY youth, looking at broad "Alcohol Issues" through alcohol industry print advertising. It's an effective way to get to the heart of the matter, they just can't hide their real motives when we look at a table full of hundreds of advertisements. And then we start filming.

James Valastro
Burlington Vermont

In a prior issue of *Journal of the American Medical Association* (Vol.
302 No. 5, August 5, 2009), James C. Turner, MD, of the University of
Virginia's Department of Student Health, had written that "the causal
link between alcohol advertising and underage drinking is not clearly
established" and that "there are no national data that support the
assertion that underage drinking increased during the years of expanded
alcohol advertising expenditures and youth exposure."

He argued that because there was no evidence that alcohol advertising
influenced underage drinking, there was no reason to make changes in
laws governing the advertising of alcohol to kids that had been
discussed in a previous JAMA article.

In the new issue of JAMA (Vol. 302 No. 11, September 16, 2009), Dr.
Turner admits that when making the required financial disclosures to the
journal, which appeared with his prior publication, he had not mentioned
that the institute he directs "was funded by a $2.5 million gift from
the Anheuser-Busch Foundation."

Dr. James emphasized that his not mentioning this multi-million dollar
gift from an alcohol company when making the required formal disclosure
of all relevant financial ties in his JAMA comments supporting the
alcohol industry''s position on alcohol advertising was "not done in an
attempt to conceal information."

Both of Dr. James's JAMA statements are online -- but require a
subscription -- at the JAMA web site, which is at:


Eye See Through Alcohol Advertising with Media Literacy from james valastro on Vimeo.

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