Hi everyone,
I am an English Pedagogy major/Secondary Education minor at UNCC. I'll be starting my student teaching in September.
I'm designing a unit for one of my classes wherein the students will be working on a piece of fanfiction (prose or video). I have created a rubric for the final project, but I don't feel good about it because it contains such vague terminology (I'll copy/paste it below). My professor suggested I inquire here if anyone has ideas about how to grade fanfiction (or any fiction, really) in a way that is not purely subjective.
Thank you,
Fanwork Rubric Possible Points: 30
If you work in a pair or a group, since each of you should have a specific character you are focusing on/writing as/portraying, each member of the group/pair will receive their own grade.
Character Voice: It should be clear that you attempted to capture the “voices” of the characters, particularly your character of focus. This can be accomplished through use of:
*Vocabulary (including pet names, slang, etc),
*Syntax (how they phrase what they say/think - Do they tend to speak in complete sentences? Do they tend to speak formally? Jokingly? Do they exaggerate? Do they tend to tease or flirt?)
*Non-verbal cues (facial expressions, mannerisms, physical habits)
Originality and tone will be graded on a 5-10 point scale: There should be an original storyline, or a new version of an existing storyline (from a different character’s POV, for instance). Again, if you can articulate how your work meets the criteria, you should be set.
Grammar/Mechanics (including punctuation) will be graded on a 0-5 point scale: Since this is a formal assignment, correct grammar and mechanics are expected. *Grammar errors due to character voice will not count against you. In other words, if your character tends to use incorrect grammar and you portray this in a way that is recognizable, it will not count as an error.
Length will be graded on a 0-5 point scale: Your piece should be long enough to develop a complete original story or retell an entire scene from the book. If you decide to use a “Dear Friend” letter format, there needs to be enough letters (or a developed enough letter) so that the reader can see some character or plot development. Note: Unless you are rewriting an ending, your story does NOT have to have a resolution to be considered complete. It does, however, need to end gracefully (the way a chapter of a book might end).
Translated Material (credit/no credit for 4 points):
Four points will be awarded for providing the translated story or script. If it is in English, provide a written translation in Spanish; if it is in Spanish, provide a written translation in English.
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