Making Curriculum Pop

Final Project--The Moving Image in the Classroom: Why Media Production Matters

(originally posted May 5)

My vodcast “Why Media Production Matters” attempts to answer the essential course questions:

• Why should we study the moving image in the classroom?
• How can the moving image connect to our lives in the classroom and educational best practices?

Here is the video link:


One of the greatest revelations I had during the TTP workshop is the fact that incorporating the moving image in the classroom, and video production in particular, directly correlates with century old philosophies of educational reformers Dewey and Piaget: experiential learning and constructivist approaches are key to successful teaching and learning. I believe that a modern day take on this ideology would include the notion that environments supportive of multimodal literacies demonstrate experiential learning at its very best--this is the message I tried to convey through my vodcast.

The positive role of meaning-making and visualization, as pointed out by Dr. Kist and Dr. Powers, probably had the greatest impact on my understanding of the importance of video production in the classroom. As they both stated, literacy is not just about print-based text; it includes all kinds of texts, including visual. The importance of community building is another element I wanted to stress in my vodcast. Dr. Powers' discussion about how her students worked together as a group, feeding off one another's strengths and weaknesses while working towards a common goal, highlighted how effective this "community of practice" is in enhancing one's learning. As I sat and listened to this two-day conference, I kept wondering why I've encountered so much resistance from school administrators and educators in their refusal to acknowledge the benefits of video production in the classroom. Is it because they don’t know where to begin, or is it because they are afraid of learning the technology themselves?

I didn’t really know where my project was headed when I began sketching it out, but in my attempt to answer these essential questions, my mini podcast turned vodcast turned into a sort of public service announcement (a novice version-mind you!) arguing why media production should be valued and integrated into the curriculum. I chose to use this format (using iMovie and GarageBand) because I believe that as a future educator who wants to use video production with my own students, I also need to master the tools. I believe the “We learn by doing” approach applies to not only students, but teachers as well.

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