Making Curriculum Pop

Have any teachers used the Macbeth Interactive Motion Comic in the classroom? I'd love to hear your feedback if you have. It's getting good reviews from UK schools so far.

For those that don't know it's features 3 versions of the animated color graphic novel Macbeth all in one application:

  • Full and unabridged
  • Plain English
  • Reduced dialogue

Designed to be used in a multitude of ways to fit in with many different teaching styles and to cater for a differing caliber of pupils in the same classroom. You can retain full control over playback, choosing to use it on your whiteboard or computer, or it can be used simultaneously by any number of computers that are connected to the school network. (It can even be remotely accessed on an extended network so pupils can access it from home).

You can choose to watch it in movie-mode or go through the play panel by panel. It has a full audio soundtrack, roll-over context notes, and references to Act/Line/Scene that link back to the text. There is also an option to view “No Text” (empty speech balloons for pupils to fill in the dialogue!)

You can see a brief online demo here: InteractiveMacbeth

Site Licence: 978-1-907127-93-9
Format: DVD-ROM

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