Making Curriculum Pop

As I told y'all earlier, I have not been able to do daily bouncing blogs because Nicole and I have been busy putting together the final details for Teach, Think, Play 2009: The Moving Image in the Classroom here at Teachers College. This event is both class and conference; we have a pre-conference class this weekend (Saturday) and then two full conference days next weekend.

I've attached the full 12-page program/syllabus/schedule for the event below as it should be interesting to everyone, especially those of you who might want to drive to Manhattan for the event (you can register here). Kevin Clash (aka Elmo) is one of our keynote speakers along with a wide range of academic rockstars. Many of the speakers are MC POP members like Jennifer Powers, Belinha De Abreu, Alan Teasley, Renee Cherow-O'Leary, William Kist, and Pam "the Pamster"Goble.

If you're not coming (most of you will not be), you will still experience some of the conferences flavor here at MC POP. Students will be joining the Ning and sharing their thoughts, ideas and resources related to the event during the next three weeks. Hopefully, the entire MC POP community will be able to pick up some cool resources to make their curriculum pop.

If you have a minute do check out the PDF attached below - if you don't have a lot of time, read Kevin Clash's bio as the Sesame folks have some outstanding titles for the work he does that will give you a smile and maybe even a laugh.

Stay Groovy,


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Wish I could have joined you...but the tug of the Sunshine State was stronger...will be sitting in the 88 degree weather of Orlando Friday & Saturday enjoying Spring Training baseball. I can't wait to hear all about the event....Frank



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