Making Curriculum Pop

Hi everyone!

In supplement to my final project for Teach, Think, Play III: The Moving Image in the Classroom entitled "The social significance of modern multi-media curricula: Towards c..., I would like to create a place where NING-ers may come together to share resources concerning the important intersection of digital media to patterns of global schooling. My paper examined the identity of the individual emerging in modern society through the influence of globalized media networks of knowledge and information exchange and its relationship to the important process of political bildungsroman for the student-individual.

I have linked below several resources that I believe provoke interesting study of contemporary society and the changing role of schooling apropos global shifts in culture and power relationship which are, not least of all, reflected within a region or nation-state's education system.

Teachers' Domain is an excellent resource for "digital media for the Classroom and Professional Development". I think this could be an important tool for educators who are interested in the new media movements and how these can be directly linked and accessible to text-based school curricula. I believe its resources for professional development in addition to classroom material may be helpful for teachers as they conceptualize their role as educators in classrooms of multi-literate learners.

Global Envision is a website of similar focus, though its curricula bases in a study of globalization and its affect on world classrooms, particular those of lesser developed or developing nation-states. It offers "globalization lesson plan resources", which can be used as independent curricula or within relevant units of study such as Social Studies or International Relations.

The website for the Pew Internet & American Life Project, recommended by Dr. Kist during his presentation, contains a replete listing of statistics and contemporary studies that reflect the impact and usage of various media within modern American society and offers research within all age groups. Links to categories such as "teens" or "social networking sites" can be helpful in more quickly assessing desired information.

One of the issues I discuss in my paper is the interesting development of accountability that has emerged through the "people's" digital media platform, which legitimates user independence in accessing and creating materials on social platforms such as Facebook and MySpace, inclusive of nings and wikis. The Responsibility Project, organized through Liberty Mutual, offers interesting dialogic and filmic resources to engage individual-learners of divergent age levels towards problematizing "ecumenical" definitions of "general" ethics. Concerning curricula development that addresses issues of ethical standards, this might be an interesting resource to consult for content foci. It may also be adapted by educators to create culture-specific curricula for schooling and community spaces that aim to address ethical and moral issues within a particular socio-cultural group or setting.

Thank you all for reading this new forum. I look forward to being part of conversations we may generate here!


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