Making Curriculum Pop

This is a cool resource as you could do awesome Visual Literacy activities with kids "reading the covers. " The keyword search is also cool because if you were doing a unit on detective stories you would have at your disposal a huge range of images on that topic/theme for kids to explore..

The below e-mail was sent to me from...
Mrs. Maureen Baron
Portal Consultant
English Montreal School Board
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The George Kelley Paperback and Pulp Fiction Collection, University
of Buffalo Libraries -

The George Kelley Paperback and Pulp Fiction Collection is
comprised of over 25,000 pulp fiction books and magazines. Dr.
George Kelley donated the collection to Lockwood Library in 1994.
Currently the collection is housed in Special Collections at the
State University of New York at Buffalo.

This special collection is an absolute must-see, even if you only browse the digitized lurid covers that are scrolling slowly across the home page. You can search the collection by author, title or keyword.
Also available - the keyword searchable Gumshoes, Sleuths & Snoopers section, which provides '(a)n in-depth look at 185 detective and mystery novels.' (BTW, if you like looking at old paperbacks, be sure to check out one of my favorite Flickr groups - Old-Timey Paperback Book Covers.)

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