I finally got a moment to see the Mass Transit Scope, now I have to take the Q train... thanks again for pointing this out.
I just got a great new book:
"Character Animation Crash Course" by Eric Goldberg
I recommend it, includes a DC with many .swf files.
Although I am sure this better experienced in person:
Bill Brand's 1980 public artwork restored in 2008 can be seen on the Q and B trains from DeKalb Ave. in Brooklyn going into Manhattan toward Canal or Grand St. Look out the window on the right. The piece works on the principle of the Zoetrope, a 19th century optical toy.
Here is another program you might want to try out. Frame by Frame
FrameByFrame lets you create stop-motion animation videos using any webcam/video camera connected to your Mac. Just take some pictures and in a matter of seconds you‘ve got your very own stop-motion QuickTime movie!
I teach animation to middle school kids as part of their projects in Math, Science and Social Studies. We use Flash and Google Sketchup to create curriculum-rich kid-centered projects.
using Flash: DNA replication (Science 7), demi-Regular Tessellations (Math7), and Solar System orbits, satellites and comets (Science 6)
Using Sketchup: Greek Temple walk-thorughs (Social Studies 6) and Spanish Castles (Grade 6 Spanish)
In the summer, I teach animation at a camp in Maine, Here is a list of animation tools we use:
Toon Boom Studio
Flip Boom (for Middle school)
Animish (for very young)
Pencil (Free online)
iStopMotion (Mac Only)
Claymation (PC only)
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