Making Curriculum Pop

Hi Everyone,

A few folks are still not in the group but for those who are I wanted to collect links to things that came up in class. With out further ado....

1. Finland:
Consider reading this book Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change i...

From Edutopia - article HERE.
and the video...

2.Parenting and Puberty
Here is the article I passed out from the New York Times
Puberty Before Age 10: A New ‘Normal’?

and an interesting related article from the New Yorker with book reviews in it...
Why Are American Kids So Spoiled?

3. The article on sports as a model for Genius creation:
Cultivating Genius in the 21st Century

and for those interested in watching with a better internet connection:
Racing Against History - 100M Freestyle

4. The article about gender perception.
Our Brains See Men as Whole and Women as Parts

5. Texas GOP on Critical Thinking
First, it is probably best to get your news from Steven Colbert:

Then you can read more specifics at the WaPo:
"Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really." Plus, the follow-up "Colbert skewers Texas GOP on ‘critical thinking’"

6. Re: Mindmaps
Use a trial version of Inspiration software ( or Kidspiration (K-5). Donna also hipped me to the Beta version of Webspiration - an online spin off of Inspiration.
Cool/Cheesy video about Mind Maps...

7. Also related to Kelly's presentation consider checking out:
and this cool software Boardmaker (see the sample images)

8. GASLAND - this is not super related to class (although it can be) but I was teaching this to undergrads and it is a doozy / must watch doc.

Happy Surfing!


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