On June 11, 2013 the Games+Learning+Society Educators Symposium will – for the first time – offer educators multiple, daylong specialized professional development opportunities. GLSES attendees accepted to participate in specialized PD tracks will learn from an experienced facilitation team and work alongside a small group of colleagues throughout the entire GLSES event. After attending the morning keynote, participants in specialized PD tracks will meet from 10:00 AM to 4:45 PM (sharing the same lunch hour as general GLSES attendees). Applications for participation are due March 15th. If accepted to one of the following tracks, GLSES participants are responsible for event registration and travel to Madison, Wisconsin.
PD Track 1: Rebooting the Classroom: Leveling up Motivation, Collaboration, and Learning with Gameful Pedagogy
Rebooting the Classroom: Leveling up Motivation, Collaboration, and Learning with
Gameful Pedagogy is professional development for classroom teachers and coaches ready to harness an interest in games and digital media with student-centered, differentiated, and project-based learning. The only specialized PD workshop at GLSES 2013 facilitated by and for classroom teachers (facilitators Amanda Pratt and Tim Saunders teach high school social studies and elementary general studies, respectively), participants are invited to create their own gameful pedagogies by “rebooting” their classroom teaching through design, play, and assessment. Participants will: design games aligned with content-specific learning goals applicable to digital, hybrid, and analog environments; explore the features of various games and gameful pedagogies as they support powerful learning outcomes; and create debrief and reflection structures that provide formative assessment opportunities across grade levels and disciplines. While previous experience teaching with games and digital media is not necessary, participants should be passionate about education innovation, and are required bring a laptop computer and curricular materials (e.g. scope and sequence, lesson plans) for a unit they are interested in rebooting.
Click here to read a full description of Rebooting the Classroom
Click here to apply for Rebooting the Classroom
PD Track 2: Reader, Writer, Gamer: Designing Affinity Spaces to Support Student Literacy Achievement
In this workshop teachers, librarians/media specialists, technology coordinators, and administrators are invited to explore how affinity spaces can foster student learning in middle school and high school. Specifically, we focus on how affinity spaces can be used to support literacy learning across the secondary curriculum and address the Common Core State Standards. Prior to the Games+Learning+Society Educator Symposium, workshop participants will be asked to read selected material on literacy, affinity spaces, and the Common Core State Standards, as well as to join and introduce themselves on the workshop Ning.
Click here to read a full description of Reader, Writer, Gamer
Click here to apply for Reader, Writer, Gamer
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