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SeeClickFix Is Using Facebook to Make Fixing Cities Social


The Daily GOOD

The website SeeClickFix is kind of like a crowd-sourced civic to-do list. If you see a pothole, graffiti, or a messy park plaza in your neighborhood, you can use SeeClickFix to quickly report the problem to the right government agency, which then, presumably, fixes it.


SeeClickFix already has hundreds of thousands of users, but that number is about to jump. This week, it launched a Facebook app. Like the SeeClickFix site, the Facebook app lets you report and track issues in your area. But it also adds in a bit more, well, fun. "Civic points" are what you get for doing something good in your community through SeeClickFix, and Ben Berkowitz, a co-founder, says they'll be emphasized on Facebook. "You will see where you are trending, in relation not just to your friends, but to other people in your community to encourage the competitive spirit." So someone can take pride in being the fifth best SeeClickFixer in Brooklyn, or on Maple Street in Omaha, Nebraska.


Best of all, there is a neighbors app within the app, so you can see all the people in your community. "We can actually connect you with your neighbors around some of these issues," Berkowitz adds. If you post a comment on an existing issue, like that litter-strewn park down the block, then all the other people who have commented on that, reported it, or signed up to follow the issue, will get an email about your comment.

Sign up for the Faceboook app here.

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