The Learning Network has been publishing regular lesson plans about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since each began.
You can find all of these lessons categorized and dated below, along with links to related Times Topics pages and resources. Click any category below to go to that topic directly:
War, Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy | Afghanistan History, Culture, Literature |The War in Afghanistan | The Course of the Iraq War | Debate About the Iraq War | Iraq and Democracy | Historical Parallels to Iraq | Iraq and the Media |The Soldiers | Times Topics and Resources
But with the recent replacement of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as commander of American forces in Afghanistan and the ensuing discussion about the course of the war, we thought we would revisit some of our old lesson plans to see how many of the questions we asked in 2001, 2002, 2003 and later are still relevant today.
So below you’ll find a list of the big, or “essential” questions we posed in the past about the wars, and about terrorism, U.S. involvement in nation-building, the role of soldiers, and the geopolitics of the Middle East.