Making Curriculum Pop

For those of you who don't know about Video Placement Worldwide (VPW) they work with organizations to distribute old-time media teaching tools to educators. below is the copy of the e-mail I received about this interesting resource today.

From: VPW & The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Subject NEW! A Timely DVD and Lesson Plan to Help You Teach About 
the Federal Reserve Bank.


Dear VPW Subscriber:

The Federal Reserve Bank is in the news almost every day! Why? How does the FRB impact the lives of your students and their families? What do they do? 

The What We Do DVD and detailed teaching materials are available FREE from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago! 

Click here to order this timely teaching program. 

This lesson plan kit is designed to help you teach about the role of the nation's central bank in a new and multi-modal way. Included are a DVD that outlines the role and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, a game that helps students understand the concept of inflation, a set of multiple-choice questions, and a take-home assignment that requires the students to reflect on what they have learned. And, for your convenience, the entire lesson plan is included in both print and electronic formats. 

Please click here to order the What We Do teaching unit and other informative and helpful free videos for your classroom. 

Did you know? 
You can also have your librarian order a second copy free for your school's library. Click on the Forward to a Friend link below and forward this email to your librarian and anyone else who might be interested in this or other free programs from VPW. 

Best regards, 

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