Making Curriculum Pop


Some of you may have seen my 2-page intro to comics from 2002, What is a 'Graphic Novel'? I've just reuploaded it to in several forms, and (newly) given it a creative commons license. New to this whole endeavor is a slideshow version in PDF and PPT formats. I hope you'll take a look, and feel free to use it in any way it may be helpful. It's a simple tool for introducing the basics of comics and explaining how to navigate a page. 

“What is a ‘Graphic Novel’” presentation : PDF/ PPT

You can find the web version here and the PDF poster and handout versions of this strip here.

Best regards,


PS: I'd love to hear about how/whether you use the piece! 

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Just showed the powerpoint version to my 6th graders, and pointed out your book, Cooney's and McLoud's on our bookshelf. We are using digital pictures as ref images for superhero comics related to digital citizenship. Very concise definition, helped remind my students of the big picture re what they are creating. Huge THANKS!
thanks! glad it was so immediately useful!



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