In the past few months, Times reporters have looked at the pros and cons of antagonistic relationships and close friendships and the role of such relationships in bullying, as well as teens’ use of social networking sites to insult one another. You likely also remember coverage of the Phoebe Prince case.Bullying, hazing, harassment: Whatever you want to call it, educators and parents are focusing on it more and more. A particularly thorny issue is how best to get involved when kids use digital devices and social networking sites to torment their peers.
Over the weekend, The Times reported on a study showing that an apparent decrease in empathy among today’s te.... (Can empathybe taught?) And a front page article today by Jan Hoffman takes a close, hard look at the challenges schools are facing in addressi.... (The article is first in a series called Poisoned Web.)
In addition to the Times Topics page on Bullies, here are some related New York Times and Learning Network resources for teaching and learning about bullying and harassment. They can be easily adapted and used by teachers and parents alike.