Making Curriculum Pop

I seem to be drawn lately to the I-phone ads. Every time I am in a mall where there is a Mac store, my kids drag me there, and tell me the benefits of some of these I-phones. I have not got one yet. But I know I am leaning.....A friend of mine showed me how he can take videos and edit on the phone, then turn around and send it back to his newsroom.


At my favorite magazine store, I found this i-Phone App Reviews Guide. Its expensive....($17.99)...but it has 160 plus pages, each with four or more apps to be considered. It lists price, usability, difficulty etc. USA Today is free, for example, and the reviewer says "simply put, this is a high quality print publication in digital form, and one worth reading daily." I am not always a fan of USA Today, it is nice to know these kinds of things are available.

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Interesting that you should bring this up: I recently picked up Issue One of Essential Digital MovieMaker ($23.99). Although it looks like a magazine, it is more like a soft bound book, found in the periodical section of Barnes & Noble Bookstores. It is one of a number of UK produced "how to" books. I think this could be used as THE textbook in a digital media production class because it covers everything you need to know about writing/creating media with digital video cameras. (NOTE: the publisher of the magazine does not even list it on its website; nor does



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