Making Curriculum Pop

Time: The Illustrated History of the World's Most Influential Magazine

Time is a fascinating look at the history of the world's most
influential newsweekly. The complete compendium is illustrated with
hundreds of covers and archival photographs, featuring the work of the
twentieth century's most respected journalists, editors, and
photographers—from Eddie Adams, Neil Leifer, Dirck Halstead, and David
Hume Kennerly, to David Burnett, Gregory Heisler, Matt Mahurin, James
Nachtwey, and Diana Walker, who together won more major photo awards for
Time than all other publications combined. This volume explores Time's
documentation of seminal moments in history, including the moon
landing, the Kennedy assassination, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and September
11th. It investigates the reasons behind Time's "Man of the
Year," transitions in design, the creation of the symbolic red frame,
the important designers and illustrators, the covering of both hot and
soft news, as well as the magazine's changeover to the 21st century and
the creation of Time's international editions.

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