Tech award: The Vernier Software & Technology/National Science Teachers Association Tech Award recognizes the innovative use of data collection technology using a
computer, graphing calculator or handheld in the science classroom. Current teachers of science in grades K-college can apply for awards of up to $3,000 ($1,000 in cash for the teacher, $1,000 in Vernier products, and up to $1,000 toward expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education, March 18-21, 2010).
DEADLINE: Nov. 30.
Foundation for Technology Education: The Pitsco/Hearlihy/Foundation for Technology Education Grant recognizes and encourages the integration of a quality technology education program within the school curriculum. Criteria include: evidence of an effective quality technology education program, documented success in the integration of technology education with other academic subjects and plans for professional development via the anticipated grant. K-12 teachers who are members of the International Technology Education Association can apply for grants of up to $2,000.