Making Curriculum Pop

I was hipped to this excellent infographic and tool to calculate your water footprint through the Nature Conservancy.

According to a recent study by a Conservancy partner organization – the Water Footprint Network (WFN)– the “water footprint” of the average American is 32,911 glasses per day.

Where is all this water? It’s “hidden” in things we eat, wear and use – from hamburgers to blue jeans.

First a fancy infographic...



Then you can go to the Water Footprint Network’s website to learn more / calculate your water footprint. An excellent activity for students to get a more systemic view of their water use.

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Replies to This Discussion

Ugghh, I had this problem earlier as well - try

Very interesting stuff, eh?

This is pretty cool and I can see applications in Math and World Language classes in terms of trying to figure out the conversions before entering in your kilogram usage.

Yeah it is sooooo interdisciplinary! I hope ur doing well AG.



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