Making Curriculum Pop

I'm imagining that most of you are familiar with Keith Devlin, NPR's "Math Guy"

I had forgotten about him until I came across this book he co-authored
The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics

Here's an interesting article about him "Stanford scholar, aka NPR's 'Math Guy,' explains changing nature o... And here's a great archive of his shows on NPR.

from National Public Radio's Weekend Edition Saturday

April 29, 1995. The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. [SOUND FILE NOT AVAILABLE.]
October 26, 1996. Some major anniversaries in mathematics. [SOUND FILE NOT AVAILABLE.]
September 13, 1997. Mathematics in the social sciences. [SOUND FILE NOT AVAILABLE.]
April 4, 1998. The movie Good Will Hunting.
June 13, 1998. The mathematics of the book The Bible Code.
August 1, 1998. The number PI.
October 24, 1998. The Archimedes Palimpsest comes to light..
January 30, 1999. NASA's Stardust mission.
February 27, 1999. The Fibonacci sequence.
April 17, 1999. How mathematical results are discovered.
May 29, 1999. The number sense.
July 31, 1999. Proof of the Shimura-Tanayama Conjecture.
October 9, 1999. Bird migration: how do they do it?
December 18, 1999. The measurement of time.
February 19, 2000. The Copernican revolution.
March 18, 2000. The Double Bubble Conjecture.
April 15, 2000. The Goldbach Conjecture.
June 24, 2000. Faster than light phenomena and relativity.
July 29, 2000. Progress on deciphering the Archimedes palimpsest.
September 9, 2000. The Math Gene - an innate ability to do mathematics.
February 24, 2001. Knot theory.
May 5, 2001. Goedel's Theorem.
June 16, 2001. Galileo and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

August 25, 2001. The new Newton: Edward Witten on his 50th birthday.
December 29, 2001. A Beautiful Mind: the life of John Nash Jr.
May 18, 2002. Math and Terror: mathematics in homeland security.
August 17, 2002. Airline ticket pricing.
October 26, 2002. The 800th Anniversary of Fibonacci's Liber abaci.
January 18, 2003. The Millennium Problems.
May 24, 2003. Probability and games of chance.
June 28, 2003. Mathematics of the Supreme Court.
July 5, 2003. Weekend Edition Filmfest: the mathematics in the movie A Beautiful Mind.
December 27, 2003. The centenary of the birth of John von Neumann.
January 31, 2004. The death of Olga Ladyzhenskaya.

April 10, 2004. The computer-aided proof of Kepler's sphere packing problem.
May 22, 2004. The awarding of the Abel Prize, the newly established mathematical equivalent of the Nobel Prize.
September 4, 2004. Math in Baseball. The use of statistics in baseball.
October 9, 2004. Solve the Equation, Get an Interview. The use of logic and math puzzles in job interviews for high tech firms.
December 18, 2004. A Finite Discussion of Infinite Numbers. How many real numbers are there?
January 1, 2005. Solving the 'Four-Color Problem' of Map Making. The new computer verification of the proof of the Four Color Theorem.
January 22, 2005. Math and crime-solving by the 'Numb3rs'. The mathematics in the new prime-time television detective series NUMB3RS on CBS.
March 19, 2005. The Birthday Problem.
May 21, 2005. A Mathematician who Solved Major Problems. The work of George Dantzig, who died on May 13.
August 13, 2005. Using math to move a courtship forward. The application of game theory to gift selection in human courtship.
November 26, 2005. Musical Ability and the Brain. New research at Stanford establishes a connection between music and language ability.
February 11, 2006. Danica McKellar's Mathematical Theorem. The TV star has a mathematical theorem to her name.
April 8, 2006. Math's role in Internet security. (This is the topic of Mathematics Awareness Month 06, which takes place this month.)
July 1, 2006. The Math Behind Pellicano's Code. Trying to break the PGP code on the hard drive of the famous Hollywood lawyer's PC.
July 8, 2006. Soccer 'Sphere' Kicks Off a Circular Argument. The geometry of the World Cup soccer ball.
July 29, 2006. Mathematician may have solved 100-year-old problem. Perelman's claimed proof of the Poincare Conjecture.
August 12, 2006. Can Math Settle a Fight over Fish Size? The dispute over the world record Muskie catch.
September 30, 2006. Is String Theory Unravelling.
November 4, 2006. Letters: The Gateway Arch is NOT a parabola.
January 6, 2007. Math Convention. Report from the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings in New Orleans.
February 17, 2007. The Science of a Wobbly Table.
March 24, 2007. Checking the Math on a Huge Theoretical Problem. The mapping of the symmetry group E-8.
April 14, 2007. A Math Great Gets His Due. The 300th anniversary of the birth of Leonhard Euler.
July 7, 2007. The Magical Qualities of the Number 7. In recognition of the date 7/7/07.
November 10, 2007. iPod Mathematical Riddle Solved. The solution to Wolfram's universal Turing machine problem.
November 24, 2007. Decoding Encrypted Internet Messages. Adi Shamir's warning about bug attacks on RSA encryption.
December 22, 2007. A look at Christmas by the Numbers. The math of Santa Claus' delivery schedule and tangling Christmas tree lights.
January 12, 2008. Did Ben Franklin Add Up? A discussion of Franklin's mathematical abilities.
April 5, 2008. Doing the iPod Shuffle. Doess the iPod randomizer really select songs randomly?
April 12, 2008. Checking the Math of '21'. Does the movie '21' get the math of card counting in blackjack right?
November 1, 2008. Polling: the math behind the madness.
December 27, 2008. 'Hard Day's Night': A Mathematical Mystery Tour. Mathematical analysis of the opening chord and other Beatles music.
February 28, 2009. What do we need algebra for?
April 4, 2009. Another Father of the Hydrogen Bomb. The 100th anniversary of the birth of the mathematician Stanlslaw Ulam.
July 4, 2009. Top 10 Reasons Why the BMI is Bogus.

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