Making Curriculum Pop

From MCPOPPer Marek Bennett

100 Pounds of Apples - Here's a delicious puzzle with a counter-intuitive result, based on the "potato paradox":
2×2=5 Talkin’ Blues Video - Finally, a video version of our earlier all-comics proof ...
Alexander Horned Sphere - Sometimes you have to draw such a thing before it jumps up and comes to life and runs away on you ...
Alexander Horned Steer - The final image ever captured by our late Mythematical Beasts Dept. editor ...
Ama tu ritmo / Love Your Rhythm (Dario) - A passionate Dario poem with a mathematical pulse ...
Archimedes’ Fatal Work Ethic - You have to respect a mathematician who's so engrossed in his work that he doesn't even notice the Romans invading his city...
Binary Gasket Tree (in Bloom) - This one started as a hand-doodled binary tree, but it quickly bloomed Appolonian gaskets between the branches....
Borromean Rings - They look like they're tightly knotted, but if you look closely you'll see that no two rings are linked with each other...
Cantor Angel - At first glance, your typical Cantor Set can appear rather stilted & stodgy... But what if there were a different way to envision this structure?
Circle Gasket Snowflake - Can you see the rule behind this 4th-iteration hand-drawn snowflake fractal?
Circled Sierpinski Tangents - A loose confederation of doodly gaskets and aspiring sierpinski triangles ...
Cliche Conversion Charts - Bird(s) in bush as a function of bird(s) in hand, and other relationships ...
Decision Tree - Discrete Regretroactology is the study of finite sequences of decisions and their effects on the appearances of stick figures involved in them ...
Deferential Calculus - The most self-effacing of all maths.
Dinner-Party Puzzle Fail - Charles Dodgson (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll) learns how NOT to perform post-prandial high-stakes testing...
Distorted Koch Curve - This one started as a koch curve design, with vertices stretched to fill the rectangular page:
Escher Exhibit - Journal comic inspired by a recent visit to the Currier Museum's mind-bending exposition...
Escher’s “Approaches to Infinity” Part 1 - The first of a finite series of comics adapting Escher's 1971 essay...
Escher’s “Approaches to Infinity” Part 2: Music & Eternity - "to approach eternity by means of sounds"...?
Escher’s “Approaches to Infinity”: There Must Be Stars - I take this passage in Escher's essay to be particularly appropriate for comics creators:
Fractal Cross ‘n’ Boxes - Interesting how a very square up-down left-right set of rules produces such diagonal negative space...
From One Math to Another - Gosh it's nice to get home to NH.
Hotel Infinity - "Up ahead in the distance, / I saw a shimmering light...":
Hotel Infinity: Quiet Hours - You don't always want to encounter infinity in a strange hotel ...
Infinite Doodle - It might not look it, but adding all the details to this drawing took FOREVER.
Knotted Circles + Squares - While riding on a plane lately, I found myself drawing lots of knots...
Lewis Carroll’s River Crossing Puzzle - This logic puzzle was a favorite of math professor (and part-time wonderlander) Charles Dodgson ...
Math Flower - "When are we ever gonna see this in the REAL WORLD?"
Math Medallion Gasket Frame - More fun with gaskets & distorted Sierpinskis.
Mathematics is an Art (Lockhart) - One reader's notes to Paul Lockhart's thought-provoking "A Mathematician's Lament" ...
More Knots - I guess technically some of these are knots, and some are... well... not.
Museum Courtyard: Above & Below - It looks like we’ve learned our lesson from the last time we played on a three-dimensional staircase ...
Overlaid Fibonacci Spirals - Here are twin nested Fibonacci spirals overlaid with a single blue spiral ...
Patchwork Cantor Angel - Here's a close up of another such creature ...
Patterns of Ideas (Hardy) - Quoting G. H. Hardy's 1940 essay, "A Mathematician's Apology"...
Pointy Things + Round Things - Circles and Triangles are in many ways about a far apart as shapes can get; and yet... and yet.
Prime Spirals - Just playing around a bit with the Ulam spiral… It makes me want to cover the walls with
Pythagoras Tree - It takes some careful attention to grow a healthy specimen ...
Pythagorean Maxims #1-15 - "Rules of the Good Life," according to one of Ancient Greece's most amazing mathematicians ...
Pythagorean Maxims #16-30 - More lifestyle advice from our brilliant & eccentric Ancient Greek mathematician ...
Recursive Load - I've been thinking about recursion lately, which of course (if you think about it) usually means I'm thinking about thinking about recursion, which of course...
Sierpinski’s Pizza - Dude, where can I get one of those Sierpinski pizza slicers?
Sleepless Fractal Cross - Just a little fractal cross that appeared in my sketchbook after two days without sleep…
Spinning Gasket Spiral Mandala - The triangles point the way...
Staircase Encounter - (Drawn for "M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion" at The Currier Museum.)
Talkin’ 2×2=5 Blues - Are we allowed to do talkin' blues algebra proofs? ~ If NOT, maybe this is why -- here's one inspired by Lewis Carroll. ~ Goes a little like this...
Twin Fibonacci Spiral - Taking shape from the world-famous Fibonacci sequence...
Un-possible Cubes - Hollow cubes, both possible and un-possible:
Watch Your Step - Three-point perspective staircase distortion, drawn at Currier Art Museum ...

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