Archimedes’ Fatal Work Ethic-You have to respect a mathematician who's so engrossed in his work that he doesn't even notice the Romans invading his city...
Binary Gasket Tree (in Bloom)-This one started as a hand-doodled binary tree, but it quickly bloomed Appolonian gaskets between the branches....
Borromean Rings-They look like they're tightly knotted, but if you look closely you'll see that no two rings are linked with each other...
Cantor Angel-At first glance, your typical Cantor Set can appear rather stilted & stodgy... But what if there were a different way to envision this structure?
Circle Gasket Snowflake-Can you see the rule behind this 4th-iteration hand-drawn snowflake fractal?
Cliche Conversion Charts-Bird(s) in bush as a function of bird(s) in hand, and other relationships ...
Decision Tree-Discrete Regretroactology is the study of finite sequences of decisions and their effects on the appearances of stick figures involved in them ...
Pointy Things + Round Things-Circles and Triangles are in many ways about a far apart as shapes can get; and yet... and yet.
Prime Spirals-Just playing around a bit with the Ulam spiral… It makes me want to cover the walls with
Pythagoras Tree-It takes some careful attention to grow a healthy specimen ...
Pythagorean Maxims #1-15-"Rules of the Good Life," according to one of Ancient Greece's most amazing mathematicians ...
Pythagorean Maxims #16-30-More lifestyle advice from our brilliant & eccentric Ancient Greek mathematician ...
Recursive Load-I've been thinking about recursion lately, which of course (if you think about it) usually means I'm thinking about thinking about recursion, which of course...
Sierpinski’s Pizza-Dude, where can I get one of those Sierpinski pizza slicers?
Sleepless Fractal Cross-Just a little fractal cross that appeared in my sketchbook after two days without sleep…
Staircase Encounter-(Drawn for "M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion" at The Currier Museum.)
Talkin’ 2×2=5 Blues-Are we allowed to do talkin' blues algebra proofs? ~ If NOT, maybe this is why -- here's one inspired by Lewis Carroll. ~ Goes a little like this...