new video series for middle school-aged youth. Girls Communicating Career Connections (GC3) is a youth-produced, web-based video series and companion educator materials on science and engineering careers, developed by and for middle school aged girls. The GC3 videos share career information, highlight 21st century skill development, and focus on the positive social impact of science, technology and engineering careers and most importantly, the videos were created by girls themselves!
Among the many careers profiled on the website are Robotics Engineer, Forensic Scientist, Marine Biologist, Biomedical Engineer, and Game Designer to name just a few. Educator materials include an Educator's Guide, with suggested uses for the videos in both formal and informal settings, and a Video Production Curriculum, which aids educators in creating videos of their own. GC3 is a project of Education Development Center, Inc., and is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Check it out today! "
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