For more info, please contact Paul Mihailidis ( who is
spearheading this special issue.
The Journal of Media
Literacy Education invites submissions for a special theme issue
exploring the relationship between media literacy and digital media and
learning. Children and young people are growing up with new forms of
media and communication technology that are unfamiliar to many parents
and teachers. Scholars are making significant efforts to document the
way young people play and socialize online. New norms of online
participation are emerging as part of child and adolescent
socialization. However, some scholars with interests in digital media
and learning position their work at a distance from the practice of
media literacy education, privileging the study of user behavior, social
connectivity and participation and dismissing practices associated with
message interpretation, critical analysis and inquiry, and
communication skill development. In this issue, we are interested in
exploring both the areas of disjuncture and areas of overlap, aiming to
conceptualize new ideas that may fuel the development of both fields.
are invited to submit manuscripts that explore the topic of digital
media and learning in ways that connect with the practice and pedagogy
of media literacy education. Your work may be framed around scholarship
and practice in education, media studies, cultural studies, or other
fields. Some issues we hope the manuscripts may consider: How do media
literacy’s structured, formal and critical practices of reading
texts/contexts/cultures map onto new forms of participation and
engagement in social media environments? How do those who explore
digital media and learning conceptualize the various
protectionist-empowerment positions? How does learning about young
peoples’ out-of-school literacy practices with digital media support the
development of in-school programs? Why are aspects of mass media and
popular culture generally absent from discussion about digital media and
learning? How are new online tools (including those for remix, screen
capture, commenting, and collaborative writing) shifting the role of
media production practices both in and out of the classroom? Is the
focus on digital “tool competence” contributing to another kind of
“technicist trap?” How does scholarship in digital media and learning
address issues of representation and cultural difference? Is digital
citizenship a new set of life skills or a form of moral education which
frames media and technology use in terms of middle-class values and
cultural norms? How are issues of political economy get learned and
taught in relation to social media tools like YouTube and Facebook? How
do messages about media literacy and about the value of digital media
and learning resonate with journalists, policymakers, school leaders,
teacher, parents and children and young people themselves?