Making Curriculum Pop

For those of you who do not know about Project Look Sharp at Ithaca College they create some really interesting and rich curriculum kids for core curricula issues (the middle east, creativity, health) around media and popular culture. In short, they make curriculum pop.

They just released two new PDF downloadable study guides around Nutrition and TV Commercials that folks might find useful.

The description from Cyndy Scheibe the Executive Director of Project Look Sharp...

Critical Thinking and Health: Nutrition and TV Commercials is designed for early elementary grades, and consists of lessons that each about the purpose of advertising (and TV commercials in particular), the types of tricks used in ads, lessons about cereal commercials and real fruit and juice vs. "fruit" snacks and drinks. Incorporating many examples of TV commercials for analysis along with short clips from the Consumer Reports videos "Buy Me That," these lessons reflect current health standards for the elementary grades.


Nice link to an earlier resource post ARTICLE/WEBSITE: A Thumb of Peanut Butter and Three Fingers Of Fries

Now go drink your 100% Juice!


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