Making Curriculum Pop

by Mike Gange


In 1999, the Internet was still in its infancy. I started reading a message board of sorts put out by some media education pioneers. Frank Baker’s name came up often. He either posted something he had found on line, or made a comment on media education. I enjoyed his comments and observations, and from time to time, would chime in with my own. Before long, we were talking, via emails, on a regular basis.


I met Frank in person in 2000, in Toronto, at a huge Media Ed conference called Summit. It was like we had been friends since birth! We share many common interests from sports, to current events, to photography. But most of all, both of us love Media Education, and are thrilled to see the progress the field has made.


Frank is incredibly generous and industrious. You would find so much of his work on his omnibus web site:  It has book reviews, text book suggestions, teaching ideas, advertising analysis….it is as rich as site as you could ever find in a library.


You can tell I look up to Frank Baker as a leader in the Media Ed field. I also respect him for his insight and input into the development of the media literacy field. 


Frank has just come out with a new book. Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom, published by International Society for Technology in Education (iste), is a 197-page soft cover handbook that will help new teachers and veterans alike. [See more of this review at my blog . . .

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