Materials | Computer(s) with Internet access and projector; multiple copies of the Critiquing a Photograph handout for each student; cameras and USB devices or discs or scanner; student journals.
Overview | What if hundreds of people around the world took pictures at the same moment and uploaded them to one digital album? The New York Times’s Lens blog has invited people to submit photos taken at the same time on Sunday, May 2, 2010. In this lesson, students look at and critique Times reader-submitted photos that capture a moment and/or express a theme. They then do a “trial run” for “A Moment in Time,” create a presentation of their images and prepare to participate in and/or view and assess the May 2 event.
Note to Teacher | As always, we recommend previewing any of the images or videos we mention below before showing them to your students to determine whether they are appropriate for your classroom. You may also want to set ground rules for the content of the photos students will take and share with the class. For a low-tech option, print all photos in advance and display or circulate them in your classroom.