Making Curriculum Pop

What are ways to effectively incorporate new media into the classroom? Is teaching new media to teens/college students ... particularly journalism students ... really essential?

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I think this question "is it really essential" depends on many factors. For example, what subject(s) and what teaching standards are guiding you and your instruction?  What does the literature (in your particular subject area) currently say about how other teachers ARE incorporating new media in order to facilitate learning, to engage students, AND prepare them for 21st century jobs?  I subscribe to a number of publications which DO follow how teachers are incorporating  new media into instruction and perhaps you would like to begin reading and/or subscribing to these also:

Blogger & Podcaster
Digital Directions (published by Education Week)
eSchool News
Internet@ Schools Magazine
Technology & Learning Magazine

THE Journal
Learning & Leading With Technology (published by ISTE)


Yes, it is essential because that is the world and they should learn how to engage it mindfully. For better and for worse, it is here to stay. I like using new media in my courses because it allows them to participate beyond the classroom. I use blogging and online discussion forums to supplement my in-class time.



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