Making Curriculum Pop

If you're like most diligent teachers, you remain alert for visual aids to help you design lessons that will inspire your students to expand their thinking and that will invite them to use a range of ways to show what they're learning. The verb wheel below is one that you could share with your students and ask them to choose products and performances that will show how much they're learning about the topics and skills you're required to teach.

In the days ahead, you'll be looking for ways to align your lessons with COMMON CORE STANDARDS, you'll want to include as much choice as you can to retain students engagements while meeting the curriculum goals you're charged to reach each school year.  This wheel can help you and your students.

As students consider the options and write the rationales for their choices, they may be thinking more deeply about the subject matter than they would if you already have done all the hard work of designing assessment assignments.  Moreover, when students do the choosing, they're more likely to give more time and thought to completing the assignment well, thus making it more interesting for you to read, view, and grade.

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